Mastering the Art of Pivoting in Recruiting During Industry Downturns

by Liz Carey

Image of a dirt path in a forest with a fork creating two pathsAs an independent recruiter, navigating through industry downturns can be a daunting challenge. When hiring freezes and budget cuts become the norm, it can feel like your entire business is at risk. However, by mastering the art of pivoting in recruiting, you can not only survive during these tough times but also thrive. On a recent NPAworldwide engagement call, several successful recruiters shared how they have not only weathered the storm through economic downturns and recessions, but thrived due to being able to pivot their business focus. Read the rest of this entry »

Fix Your Job Titles. Please.

by Veronica Blatt

I happened to catch a couple of different conversations on LinkedIn today related to job titles. The first was a post of ridiculous words to stop using in job titles and ads, while the second was a conversation about the use of creative job titles and how that may impact background checks.

Let’s recap some of the basics here: Read the rest of this entry »

Effective Communication for Split Placement Success

by Veronica Blatt

Recruiters who experience consistent split placement success are effective communicators. They make it a priority to set expectations with their recruitment partner and document the details. If you’d like to incorporate splits, here are some of the topics you need to communicate, preferably before submitting any candidates for consideration: Read the rest of this entry »

Internal Recruiters or External Recruiters: Pros and Cons

by Dave Nerz

Hiring top talent is difficult and complicated. Making the right choices is critical to your business’ long-term success. So, what is best for your company, internal recruiters or independent external recruitment providers? In some cases, maybe you just don’t have the bandwidth to do search internally. In other situations, you can consciously make a choice. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Prevent Candidate Fall-Offs

by Liz Carey

man falling through the sky attached to a bungee cordAs an independent executive recruiter, you know how crucial it is to find and place top talent in your clients’ companies. Your reputation and business success depend on it. However, one of the biggest challenges recruiters face is candidate fall-offs. This happens when a candidate accepts an offer but ultimately declines or backs out before starting the job. Not only does this reflect poorly on your recruiting abilities, but it also wastes time and money for both you and your client. So how can you prevent candidate fall-offs? Here are some tips to guide you. Read the rest of this entry »

No More Bungee-Jumping CVs: Why Applying for Suitable Roles is the Way to Go!

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Tim Lane founder and director of Park Lane Recruitment based near Manchester UK.  Park Lane Recruitment is a specialist recruiting firm in the technology space with niche areas of cybersecurity, fintech, space and defense IT, as well as generic IT sales, tech and managerial.  Tim is also a former NPAworldwide Board Director with responsibility for the EMEA region and a 30+ year veteran of the recruiting industry. Today Tim gives us a lighthearted look at the serious topic of applying for suitable roles.

Greetings, job seekers and career enthusiasts! Are you tired of bouncing around like a kangaroo on a pogo stick, submitting your CV for every job that catches your eye? Well, hold on to your hats and get ready for a wild ride as we embark on a journey to explore the hilarious and thought-provoking world of applying for roles that actually suit you. Join me in this rollercoaster of laughter and wisdom as we uncover why it’s essential to apply only for suitable roles. #Lessonsfromarecruiter Read the rest of this entry »

Google’s New Email Rules: A Primer for Recruiters

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Andrew Rothman, web site manager and project specialist for PCRecruiter, the ATS/CRM hybrid selected by thousands of independent and agency recruiters around the world. PCRecruiter has been an NPAworldwide partner for over a decade. This article reviews the changes recently made by Google to email rules regarding authentication and subscriptions, with a focus on how they might affect the way recruiters handle and scale their email marketing and communications plans.

Back in October, Google announced changes to their email handling policies designed to combat spam. These new changes will be fully in place by February 2024. Yahoo/AOL has announced similar email rules and others will likely follow suit. While the changes should mostly have a positive effect — reducing the amount of junk and scams that get to inboxes — they could have a negative effect on your recruiting process if you rely heavily on cold email or aren’t using properly configured outgoing email systems. Read the rest of this entry »

Recruitment News from NPAworldwide

by Veronica Blatt

I don’t normally use this space to directly talk about NPAworldwide, but in the world of recruitment news, we have had a couple of notable events in the past week that are worth sharing.

First, for regular readers of our blog, you’ll have noticed regular contributions from Dave Nerz. Dave has announced his retirement effective June 30, 2024. Our Board of Directors has been engaged in a search process to find his replacement and we are pleased to announce that Kerry Crockett, MBA, CPC, CAE, CMP Fellow, DES has joined NPAworldwide as our new President and COO. Kerry comes to us most recently from the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association where she served as CEO. She is a dynamic professional with a strong background in team building, product development, strategic planning, international event planning, event profitability, membership growth and sponsor recruitment. We are excited for this new chapter in NPAworldwide’s nearly 70-year history. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more from Kerry as she settles into her role. Read the rest of this entry »

Every Day is March Madness in Recruiting

by Liz Carey

basketball net with basketball in itRecruiters are constantly faced with challenges, obstacles, and the unpredictable nature of the job. Sound familiar? That’s because recruiting is a lot like March Madness – the annual college basketball tournament that captivates audiences around the world. In this blog post, we will explore how the recruiting industry mirrors the excitement, intensity, and unpredictability of March Madness. Read the rest of this entry »

Winning the Talent Wars: How to Secure Top Talent for Your Business

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Rachelle Mire, senior account executive at McQuaig, a global leader in talent management solutions. McQuaig assessments are designed to provide a deeper insight into a candidate’s personality, cognitive, and behavioral attributes. With over 50 years of experience, McQuaig assessments provide a comprehensive view of a candidate and their potential to succeed in an organization while shedding light on the most important areas of employee development. Read on to learn what you need to do to win the talent wars.

In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for success. The talent wars are heating up as companies vie for skilled professionals who can drive innovation, boost productivity, and fuel growth. To come out on top, businesses must adopt effective strategies that matter most in securing top talent. In this blog, we’ll explore key tactics and approaches to help you navigate the talent wars successfully. Read the rest of this entry »

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