Internal Recruiters or External Recruiters: Pros and Cons

by Dave Nerz

Hiring top talent is difficult and complicated. Making the right choices is critical to your business’ long-term success. So, what is best for your company, internal recruiters or independent external recruitment providers? In some cases, maybe you just don’t have the bandwidth to do search internally. In other situations, you can consciously make a choice. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Read the rest of this entry »

Tips for Solo Recruiters Branching Out

by Liz Carey

XG6OE0OXGHGoing solo? Recruiting is a hard business, and if you’re an independent recruiter working from home, it can present some additional challenges. Here are three things to keep in mind when branching out: Read the rest of this entry »

Differences between NPAworldwide and Fee Trader

by Sarah Freiburger

Question MarkAs the director of membership for NPAworldwide, I occasionally am asked by independent recruiters how our network is different and better than Fee Trader. In my opinion, neither one is necessarily better than the other as they are so very different. As an independent recruiter, deciding which to join will depend on how you like to work, and how much of a relationship-based recruiter you are. Read the rest of this entry »

Willing to Wander: Job Seekers On The Move

by Sarah Freiburger

FutureAccording to the 2014 Jobvite Job Seeker Nation Study, over 70% of the US labor force is in the market for a new job. 50% of that includes employed workers who are “willing to wander.” These percentages reflect a transformation in the market due to the social web, where job hopping has now become more and more common. What this means for independent recruiters, is that those purple squirrel candidates or hard to fill positions may be easier to find and fill with the knowledge that most candidates, even those happy in their current positions, are willing to consider a change. US News Careers offers this advice to job seekers: Read the rest of this entry »

What Cities Hold Opportunity for Independent Recruiters?

by Sarah Freiburger

“America is another name for opportunity,” stated Ralph Waldo Emerson. As a recruiter working either national or international recruitment, it is important to know which cities in America are currently on the rise in terms of drawing in workers who are looking for higher standards and living and better jobs. Once these areas are highlighted, you are able to secure clients in those areas knowing the candidate pool will be the larger to choose from.

As it has stood for the past decade, the housing market made selling your home near impossible, and with jobs being scarce in many parts of the country, Americans chose to not make moves in relocation or careers. According to Yahoo Finance, these are the 10 cities that have been highlighted for 2014 as the ones drawing candidates and workers. Read the rest of this entry »

Working with Other Independent Recruiters to Improve Results

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s post is courtesy of guest blogger Kimberley Chesney. Kimberley is the owner of Prime Management Group in Canada, with offices in London and Kitchener (Ontario) and Victoria (British Columbia). Kimberley is a long-time volunteer for NPA, currently serving as Chair of the NPA Board of Directors.

Working as independent recruiters can be difficult.  We want to produce excellent results for our clients without the normal resources of large, international firms.  We know, all too well, that our individual reputation depends on the results we can achieve for our clients.  With the advent of social media, we are constantly challenged in differentiating ourselves from our competition.

How are we able to deliver excellent results and earn a respectable fee?

Understanding the complex needs of our clients is key to producing the outcomes that they are expecting from us.  Taking the time to meet with our clients (either face-to-face or online) will be essential if we truly want to put ourselves in their shoes.

Working through the process of recruiting, rather than seeing it as a transaction, is very important.  Aligning ourselves with other independent recruiters who value the personal nature of our role can be extremely helpful. It is essential to use every tool available in order to produce the results we are expected to deliver.

Often, we focus entirely on the “client” part of the placement and virtually ignore the needs of the candidates we are presenting.  If we would only stop and remember that we are in the “people” business and that both parties have special needs of their own.  Learning what your candidates are looking for as a package is much more than hearing about their salary expectations.  Often there are many other factors which affect the candidate’s desire and ability to say “yes” to an offer and yet we don’t take the time to really learn what is important to them.

If we are fortunate to have other independent recruiters as partners who want to assist us, we can better navigate through this complex business relationship.  If they have an existing relationship with the client or candidate, it increases the odds that you will be able to close the placement.  They may have some information concerning the client or candidate which provides the basis on which you can close the placement.  Imagine the power of knowledge gained in working in a cooperative placement process where your partner helps you with the entire recruitment journey!  Imagine if they have access to excellent candidates who provide exactly what your client is looking for.  You would be more than happy to share the fee and ensure you are serving your clients so they come back to you over and over again.

Being an independent recruiter can have its advantages, but networking with other recruiters who are like minded provides for excellent scope and results and keeps not only your clients happy, but your pocketbook too!

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