Insurance Considerations for Small Recruitment Firms

by Veronica Blatt

image of an insurance policy and eyeglassesSmall recruitment firms have a number of requirements at the start-up phase. Insurance is an important item for your business and one that can be easily overlooked, especially for a start-up venture that may be home based. Here is a list of some of the different types of insurance you may want (or need) to procure: Read the rest of this entry »

Starting a Recruitment Firm: Define Your Focus

by Dave Nerz

Defining your industry/segment/niche/geographic focus is a crucial step in establishing a successful recruitment business. When defining your focus, keep in mind that specialization can help you stand out in a crowded market. Clients and candidates often prefer recruiters who have in-depth knowledge of their industry or niche. Additionally, as you gain expertise in your chosen focus, you’re more likely to become the “go-to” recruiter in that area, which can lead to more referrals and business opportunities. Lastly, consider seeking guidance from business coaches or industry experts to help you refine your focus and ensure that your chosen market can support your success. Too narrow a focus limits your potential and too broad a focus might lead to a scattered and poorly delivered service to clients and candidates. Read the rest of this entry »

The Power of Expanding Your Recruiting Network

by Liz Carey

image of Earth from space showing connections of lights in different areasNetworking is crucial in the recruiting industry. Building strong relationships with candidates and clients can help you land more placements, grow your business, and stay ahead of the competition. While it’s important to focus on the quality of your existing recruiting network, expanding your network can lead to new opportunities and a wider pool of talent.

Here are six tips that can help you expand your recruiting network effectively: Read the rest of this entry »

The Benefits and Responsibilities in Joining a Split-Fee Recruitment Network

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Jim Lyons, JD, CPC of LHI Executive Search in the New York City area. LHI is an investigative executive search & research outsourcing firm covering the information technology, capital markets, private equity/venture capital, digital & social media, mobile, cloud, big data, and legal business sectors. Jim has been an NPAworldwide member since 2012 and is currently serving as the chairman of the Board of Directors. Below he discusses his experience as a member of a split-fee recruitment network.

As a successful sole operator of an executive and legal search firm, as well as the Board Chair & CEO of an almost 70-year-old global split-fee recruitment network (, I can speak directly about the benefits and responsibilities of joining such an organization. Read the rest of this entry »

Top 3 Needs of Small Business Owners

by Veronica Blatt

Blog image with two small business ownersToday’s guest blogger is MyHealthily. NPAworldwide has partnered with MyHealthily to offer access to complete health insurance options. MyHealthily works with 130+ healthcare coverage carriers across the United States to ensure the most plan options possible.

Businesses of all sizes have different needs and pain points – some are more common than others. For small business owners however, reaching a solution to these may not be so simple. In fact, due to limited resources the list of needs may look a little different than those of a big corporation. Additionally, the way these demands are tackled will undoubtedly require another route. So, what are a few of the most important needs for small business owners? Read the rest of this entry »

Q4 Hiring Activity Ticks Up Slightly

by Veronica Blatt

green and blue watercolor-style world mapQ4 hiring activity is expected to remain steady around the world according to the results of the newest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey. There are no countries in the survey with a negative net outlook over the next three months. Globally, survey respondents expect a net hiring out look of +30%, which is an increase of 1% from a year ago and 2% from last quarter. The net hiring outlook is the difference between anticipated hiring increases (44%) and anticipated hiring decreases (14%). Read the rest of this entry »

Why Recruiters Should Consider Split Placements

by Liz Carey

photo split diagonally with red pencil on blue background and blue pencil on red backgroundRecruiting is a competitive field that requires recruiters to be strategic, innovative, and adaptable. One of the strategies that has gained popularity over the years is the concept of split placements, where two recruiters collaborate to fill a position and share the commission. Recruiters in the NPAworldwide recruitment network understand the concept that half a fee is better than no fee at all. But besides adding to your bottom line, there are several reasons why recruiters should consider doing split placements. Read the rest of this entry »

Developing A Talent Pool for Your Company

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Armaan Akbany, CEO and Co-Founder of Shortlyst AI. Shortlyst AI is an all-in-one AI-based outbound multi-channel sourcing platform. Shortlyst AI provides 650+ million professional database, automation and contact finder features to cater to the needs of modern recruitment. In this article, Armaan and the Shortlyst Team share important tips to develop a talent pool for your business.

When recruiting new employees, the hiring team will consider many candidates with different skills and areas of expertise. To make the most of this opportunity and attract the best talent for the company, it is important to create a talent pool. A talent pool is a database that includes candidates who have the potential to meet the company’s needs. This tool allows companies to easily connect with candidates who meet their criteria and qualifications. Read the rest of this entry »

Legal Requirements for Recruitment Firms

by Veronica Blatt

image of judge's gavel with scales of justice in the backgroundIf you’re thinking of starting your own recruitment firm, one of the areas where you need to invest in some research is employment law. It seemed like employment law was static for many years and over the past few years has been changing so much it’s hard to keep track. There are a number of legal requirements for recruitment firms; here is a partial list of some of the most important. (Disclaimer: This is NOT legal advice. Please consult an attorney who specializes in employment law.) Read the rest of this entry »

10 Tools to Find Candidates’ Contact Information

by Liz Carey

Weathered green and red toolboxesAs a recruiter, one of the most challenging aspects of your job is finding up-to-date contact information for potential candidates. You don’t want to waste your time and resources reaching out to people who aren’t interested or have already moved on. However, finding the right candidate’s information can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Here are ten resources that you can use to find candidate’s contact information, making your recruitment job easier:

1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms for professionals. It is an excellent resource for recruiters as it lists candidates’ contact information. You can also connect with potential candidates and send them direct messages. Read the rest of this entry »

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