Recruiting is a competitive field that requires recruiters to be strategic, innovative, and adaptable. One of the strategies that has gained popularity over the years is the concept of split placements, where two recruiters collaborate to fill a position and share the commission. Recruiters in the NPAworldwide recruitment network understand the concept that half a fee is better than no fee at all. But besides adding to your bottom line, there are several reasons why recruiters should consider doing split placements.
Here are some of the benefits and advantages of doing split placements:
1. Access to a larger talent pool
One of the main benefits of split placements is access to a larger talent pool. Generally, recruiters have their own network of candidates, and they might struggle to find the right candidate for a particular job. However, when two recruiters work together on a job, they have access to each other’s network, which significantly increases the chances of finding the right candidate. This also means that the client has a better chance of success and will be more satisfied with the results.
2. Reduced time to fill a position
Another benefit of split placements is that it reduces the time to fill a position. When two recruiters work on a job, it means that they can divide the work between them, which reduces the workload for both recruiters. It also means that they can coordinate their efforts and work together to find the right candidate quickly. This can be especially beneficial when there is a tight deadline, and the client needs the position filled urgently.
3. Learning opportunities
Working with another recruiter can also provide individual learning opportunities. Each recruiter brings their own strengths and knowledge to the table, and collaborating allows for a transfer of skills and knowledge. This can be particularly valuable for junior recruiters who are just starting in the field and can learn from more experienced recruiters. By collaborating, recruiters can also share best practices, which can help improve their skills and processes.
4. Broaden your scope
Split placements allow you to broaden the geography and expand the specialties that you typically work. Being part of a international split placement network, you have partners in all corners of the globe, who work on everything from agriculture to IT, healthcare to accounting. This gives independent recruiters and small firms a way to compete in a global marketplace without sacrificing the unique qualities that distinguish them from larger competitors. Members of an international recruitment network also gain value through improved speed, reach, and capacity.
5. Collaboration and building relationships
Finally, split placements can be an excellent way to build relationships and collaborate with other recruiters. Recruiting can often be a solitary job, and working with another recruiter can be a great way to connect with others in the field. By building relationships with other recruiters, recruiters can learn from each other, find support, and potentially work together on future jobs.
Split Placements can provide access to a larger talent pool, reduce the time to fill a position, provide learning opportunities, lead to higher commissions, and offer collaboration and relationship-building opportunities. However, as with any strategy, there are also challenges and potential drawbacks to consider. Recruiters need to weigh the benefits and risks before deciding whether split placements are right for them. Ultimately, split placements can be a valuable tool in a recruiter’s arsenal, and they should be considered as part of a broader strategy for success in the field of recruiting.