Social Media for Recruiters

3 Ways Agency Recruiters Can Use Twitter for Business Development

by Veronica Blatt

B2BMany agency recruiters seem to struggle with how, or even if, they might be able to use Twitter. While there is plenty of advice for using Twitter to find candidates, there is not as much discussion about finding new clients. In some ways, Twitter can give you an easier “in” with a prospective client than other methods of business development. For starters, you don’t need ‘permission’ to follow anyone on Twitter. Simply search for the person, or company, and click the Follow button. With current data indicating that roughly half of the accounts you follow will automatically follow you back, you’ve got a pretty good chance they’ll reciprocate. Read the rest of this entry »

Social Media for Recruiters: Ten to Follow on Twitter

by Veronica Blatt

twitter-bird-white-on-blueBill Boorman, a guru in the area of social media for recruiters, conducted a webinar on Twitter basics today for NPA members. Twitter, of course, is the increasingly popular microblogging tool, and perhaps the one social media tool that seems hardest to figure out. If you’re new to Twitter, or looking for some new accounts to follow, here are ten of my favorites, in no particular order: Read the rest of this entry »

Mobile Recruiting: Which is better, an app or a mobile website?

by Veronica Blatt

cell phone with appsAs mobile usage continues to increase, employers and recruiters continue to lag in developing good mobile recruiting strategies. If you haven’t heard this message before, you MUST make it easy for job seekers to interact with your recruiting firm via their mobile device. You must. If you aren’t sure what this means, take out your mobile device right now, and look at your company’s website on it. If you can’t effectively use it on your mobile device without pinching, stretching, scrolling, or typing excessively, you do NOT have a mobile-friendly site. If it is hard (or impossible) for job seekers to visit your site, apply for a job, or share your content from their mobile device, they will stop coming back. If I sound a little bit alarmist, good. Read the rest of this entry »

Reputation, Trust, and Independent Recruiters

by Terri Piersma

TrustReputation and trust in the 21st century were the topic of a TED Talk by Rachel Botsman entitled “The Currency of the New Economy is Trust.” She is the author of the book entitled “What’s Mine is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption Is Changing The Way We Live.” In the talk, Rachel commented on the impact of collaborative consumption:

  • Collaborative consumption is a social and economic system driven by network technologies that enable the sharing and exchange of assets from spaces to skills to cars in ways and on a scale never possible before.

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3 Tips to Help Independent Recruiters Make Connections on LinkedIn®

by Veronica Blatt

LI-homeI came across a video interview today on The Undercover Recruiter between Jorgen Sundberg and Aimee Bateman from Careercake, about how independent recruiters can be more effective at making connections on LinkedIn®. To make it easy for everyone, the video is embedded below. It’s about 7 minutes long and well worth it.

Most independent recruiters probably consider themselves fairly proficient with LinkedIn®, but some may not realize that the same “social rules” that apply on Twitter or Facebook also apply on LinkedIn®. To really maximize your connections, follow these tips: Read the rest of this entry »

7 Cool Recruiting Tools – FREE

by Terri Piersma

Business NetworkNPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network, a split placement network with members on six continents, held its 2013 Annual Global Conference in Las Vegas. Recruiters from around the world met to develop or renew relationships with their split placement trading partners. In addition, five industry trainers presented on a variety of recruiting industry topics. One of the trainers, Bill Boorman, spoke about 14 cool recruiting tools. This post will briefly describe seven of those tools. All the tools listed below have FREE versions. Read the rest of this entry »

A Simple Facebook Checklist for Independent Recruiters

by Veronica Blatt

These days, social media “experts” are everywhere. Every time we turn around, there has been a platform update that negates all the hard work you’ve been doing to keep your social media channels up to date. Independent recruiters have the opportunity to work through several different social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Some recruiters use a combination of these three, depending on their goal, and some have decided to use just one. It can be a nightmare to keep your company pages up to date on each platform. There are so many rules and best practices it might be more of a hassle for you than anything else. Hubspot recently put together A Simple Checklist To Help You Evaluate Your Facebook Page. After reading through it, I think independent recruiters can use it to double-check their Facebook page is generating the best results. Read the rest of this entry »

20 Reasons for Independent Recruiters to Switch to Google+

by Veronica Blatt

Google+ launched to great fanfare, with many believers convinced it would send Facebook packing. I didn’t buy in to the hype then, and my opinion really hasn’t changed much. However, the good people at Infographics Labs have come up with a list of 20 reasons to switch to Google+, which I’m sharing below. Honestly, the last thing I want to have to do is manage *one more* social media account, and I’m not convinced that Google+ can really deliver something (or someone) that I’m not already getting somewhere else. Read the rest of this entry »

5 Ways Independent Recruiters Can Improve Their Use of Social Media

by Veronica Blatt

If you’re an independent recruiter struggling to make sense of social media, you’re not alone. Approaching social media efforts in a random, haphazard way won’t generate the results you want and will result in a lot of wasted time and effort. Here are five things you can do immediately to improve your use of social media: Read the rest of this entry »

Social Media for Recruiters: Protect Your Blog from Comment Spam

by Veronica Blatt

Blogging is an important part of social media for recruiters. It’s a fantastic way to generate fresh, relevant content for your website. This will help increase traffic to your website and, when done well, will also boost your SEO efforts and search engine results. You *are* blogging, aren’t you? Read the rest of this entry »

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