Understanding Key Recruitment Trends: Insights for 2024

by Dave Nerz

Recruitment trends play a pivotal role in shaping hiring strategies and understanding the dynamics of the job market. Here are some key recruitment trends to keep a close eye on:

Sectoral Job Growth Dynamics:

In 2023, an astonishing 79% of non-farm job growth was concentrated within a select few sectors: government, education, and health services. This data, extracted from the Glassdoor December Jobs Report, sheds light on the discrepancy between sectors experiencing growth and those facing challenges, such as manufacturing or finance. Understanding this disparity is crucial for recruiters navigating the landscape of job availability and demand. Read the rest of this entry »

Global Net Employment Outlook 26% for Q1

by Veronica Blatt

green and blue watercolor-style world mapDespite global economic uncertainty and continued recession woes, the latest Employment Outlook Survey from Manpower Group indicates that 42 percent of employers anticipate increased hiring this quarter. With 16 percent of employers anticipate shrinking payroll, that leads to a net employment outlook of +26 percent. This is a decrease of four percent from Q4, but a YOY increase of three percent. Thirty-nine percent of employers don’t anticipate any changes to current staffing levels. Read the rest of this entry »

Employers Aren’t Changing Relocation Packages Despite the Market

by Veronica Blatt

Our guest blogger is Roman Duty of Recruiting Services International / RSI in Rushville, Indiana. RSI is a boutique executive search firm that celebrated 50 consecutive years of business in 2020. The firm provides highly individualized recruiting services to clients on a local, regional, and international basis. RSI’s recruiting activities are focused on high-level technical search and managerial placement in many manufacturing arenas. Read his post below about relocation packages.

As I finish my four-year tenure as a Board Director with NPAworldwide, I asked network members to comment on the current state of their clients’ commitment to relocating talent for their open positions. More specifically, I was most interested in learning if their clients had recently or EVER amended relocation packages. As recruiters, we know the recruiting market can change dramatically but I was amazed to discover that of the 25-30 recruiting firm owners who responded, not a single one disclosed a client having changed their relocation policy in at least five years. Isn’t this bad for business? Read the rest of this entry »

Recruiters: The Cupids of Hiring

by Liz Carey

Statue of Cupid shooting his arrow

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air. But for recruiters, the focus is on finding the perfect match between job seekers and employers. Just like Cupid, recruiters have the ability to bring two parties together in a way that can change their lives forever. In this blog post, we’ll explore how recruiters are like Cupid — the ultimate matchmaker — and why their role in matching jobs to candidates and candidates to jobs is so important.

  1. Understanding Compatibility

Just as Cupid has an innate understanding of what makes two people compatible, recruiters have an expert knowledge of what qualifications and skills make a candidate perfect for a particular job. They don’t just go through resumes and pick out anyone who looks good on paper; they take the time to understand what each employer needs in an employee and use that information to find someone who is not only qualified but also fits well with the company culture.

  1. Making Introductions

Once a recruiter has identified a qualified candidate who would be a good fit for a particular job opening, they don’t hesitate to make introductions between the candidate and the employer. This is where their skills as a matchmaker really come into play – they know how to sell both sides on why they’re each perfect for one another. They highlight the candidate’s strengths and show how those strengths align with the employer’s needs.

  1. Overcoming Obstacles

Just like in any romantic relationship, there can be obstacles that stand in the way of making a successful match between a candidate and an employer. It could be anything from salary negotiations to scheduling conflicts or even personality clashes between team members. Recruiters have experience navigating these challenges and finding creative solutions that benefit everyone involved.

  1. Building Long-Term Relationships

Cupid doesn’t just fire off arrows willy-nilly; he takes the time to carefully consider each match and ensure that it has the potential for longevity. Similarly, recruiters don’t just place a candidate in a job and move on to the next one. They take the time to build relationships with both the candidate and employer, ensuring that everyone is happy with the match and that it has long-term potential.

  1. Spreading The Love

Finally, just as Cupid spreads love wherever he goes, recruiters are constantly networking and building connections within their industry. They attend conferences, join professional organizations, and stay up-to-date on all of the latest trends in recruitment. This allows them to keep making successful matches between candidates and employers – spreading positivity and success wherever they go.

In conclusion, recruiters truly are the ultimate matchmaker – bringing together two halves to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Just as Cupid understands what makes two people compatible, recruiters understand what qualifications make a candidate perfect for a particular job. They make introductions between candidates and employers while overcoming obstacles that might stand in their way. Recruiters also build long-term relationships with those they work with while constantly striving to spread positivity throughout their industry by networking at every opportunity. So this Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate our favorite matchmakers – recruiters.

Benefits of Attending Professional Recruitment Conferences

by Veronica Blatt

montage of attendees from NPAworldwide professional recruitment conferencesProfessional recruitment conferences offer a host of benefits to attendees and are an important opportunity for training and development. We’re getting into the thick of our conference planning for 2024, and here are some of the main reasons members cite as reasons for attending in-person events.

Networking—Year after year, networking ranks as one of the top, if not the main, reasons for attending professional recruitment conferences. This can come from meeting other like-minded professionals in your practice area. It can mean meeting speakers or service providers and bringing those resources into your office for your whole team. It can mean getting to know the staff of the hosting organization and how that can lead to future business opportunities. We’ve seen speakers gain new business by talking with sponsors about other events. We’ve seen service providers create business opportunities among each other. And we’ve seen personal and professional relationships that have blossomed into lifelong friendships as well. Read the rest of this entry »

Mastering Videoconferencing Lighting: A Guide for Recruiters and Job Seekers

by Veronica Blatt

image of a man in front of a laptop with poor lightingIn the dynamic world of professional recruitment, how you present yourself can be the difference between landing that coveted opportunity or being passed over. Today, we’re focusing on a vital yet often overlooked aspect of your digital presentation – lighting.

The Impact of Lighting on Videoconferencing

What makes one video call visually appealing and another less so? The answer is simple, yet profound – lighting. Proper lighting not only enhances your on-camera appearance but also projects an image of professionalism and attention to detail. It’s not about vanity; it’s about visibility. Read the rest of this entry »

Smart Sourcing with Candidate Engagement

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Armaan Akbany, CEO and Co-Founder of Shortlyst AI. Shortlyst AI is an all-in-one AI-based outbound multi-channel sourcing platform. Shortlyst AI provides 650+ million professional database, automation and contact finder features to cater to the needs of modern recruitment. In this article, Armaan and the Shortlyst Team discuss how better candidate engagement can improve your sourcing efforts.

The initial phase of the hiring process involves sourcing candidates. The HR department must review all incoming applications and shortlist them accordingly. A variety of techniques have been employed to achieve this, including ATS screening, employee referrals, and internal talent utilization. However, as time progresses, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest sourcing candidate developments to ensure your company remains competitive in acquiring the desired talent. Companies must realize that applicants have the right to seek out the most suitable workplace for their needs, just as companies have the right to establish their requirements. This has become even more prevalent since the pandemic’s conclusion, with remote work being one of the most preferred options among candidates. A helpful tip for effective sourcing is to make the most of candidate engagement. Read the rest of this entry »

When You Haven’t Done Much Marketing, Where Do You Start?

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Sharon Newey. She is the MD of Superfast Recruitment, a recruitment marketing consultancy that also provides campaigns and content to support recruiters and search companies globally to stand out to clients and candidates and win more business. Since 2008 they have worked with over 300 companies helping them to grow their marketing results. Superfast Recruitment is an NPAworldwide Endorsed Program partner. Read her post below if you want to know where to start with your marketing this year.

In a recent email, we shared a handy marketing checklist to identify your starting point for this year, which I know many of you found useful.

Logically, the next question is, where should I start considering my gaps?

Today’s post will answer that question for you and is especially relevant if you haven’t done much marketing before. Read the rest of this entry »

Executive Recruitment Strategies: Transitioning from Cold to Warm Calling

by Veronica Blatt

In the world of executive recruitment, business development is a critical component. Traditionally, recruiters have relied heavily on cold calling to attract new clients. However, as the industry evolves, many are transitioning to more effective strategies such as warm calling. This shift not only increases the likelihood of successful client acquisition but also fosters long-term relationships that can lead to repeat business. No one wants to receive cold calls from someone who doesn’t know anything about them or their business. Read the rest of this entry »

Leveraging Social Media for Recruitment

by Liz Carey

Person holding a mobile phone with the LinkedIn social media app openRecruiters cannot deny the significance of social media when it comes to finding the right candidates for their clients. Social media is a platform that can help recruiters identify talented and skilled individuals that may not appear in their traditional search. In addition, social media can help recruiters create a powerful employer brand and deliver a personalized experience to candidates. This blog post will share some interesting tips and tricks for recruiters who want to leverage social media platforms for recruitment and make the best of their social media strategy. Read the rest of this entry »

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