Global Recruiter Networks – How They Can Work for You!

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Anne Downing with Demetrio & Associates, LLC located in greater Phoenix, Arizona. Demetrio & Associates is a boutique recruitment firm that has clients across the US as well as in international locations. The firm places candidates in sales & marketing, advertising, wireless and software positions.

Job seekers and companies with hiring needs are always looking for the perfect recruiter. There are a lot of independent recruiters in the world, but it’s important to both job seekers and clients to work with someone who will meet their specific needs. The search for a great recruiter can be tricky, but using social media to identify independent recruiters can make the process easier. Hiring managers, HR directors, and job seekers frequently seek out recruiters on LinkedIn, or do a Google search to find recruiters who specialize in the areas they are recruiting for. Read the rest of this entry »

3 Ways to Increase Recruiter Revenue in 2012

by Terri Piersma

The end of the year and the beginning of a new year are typically slow for independent recruiters. This means now is the perfect time to reflect on what happened in 2011 and create your plan to increase recruiter revenue in 2012. Industry consultants for the recruiting industry offer suggestions on how to develop a plan to achieve the goals you set. This article focuses on three ways that recruiters, including those involved in global recruiting, may increase recruitment revenue in 2012. The purpose of this list is to inspire independent recruiters to work with clients and candidates in 2012 in new ways. Read the rest of this entry »

Anyone Can Be an Independent Recruiter, Right?

by Dave Nerz

I have attended several webinars that educate recruiters on how to build lists of hard-to-find candidates. Sometime these webinars are offered by those selling tools that make the process of list generation easier. You know the names: LinkedIn Recruiter Professional, ZoomInfo, and the Boolean search string education seminars. To the non-recruiter, it seems that candidate list generation is what is difficult about recruiting…finding more quality candidates. Even if refining a list of 1000 candidates down to the 20 top prospects is demanding, it is the next step that is really where recruiters separate themselves from researchers. Read the rest of this entry »

Looking for recruiting resources? Check out these blogs!

by Veronica Blatt

Blog-Computer-KeyNPA’s Independent Recruiter Blog has been added to a list of the 50 best blogs for recruiters, as compiled by the folks at We’ve been working hard for the past year to create valuable content for independent recruiters and global recruiters alike. It’s nice to be recognized for our effort! Read the rest of this entry »

Do Global Recruiters Have Enough Time for Social Media?

by Veronica Blatt

You know about social media. You probably have a LinkedIn account and a personal Facebook page for staying in touch with friends and family. Now you’re hearing that you need to create a Facebook fan page for your business. As for Twitter? Forget it.

If you’re like many global recruiters I know, you’re thinking, “Yeah, yeah, social media. Sounds great. I know I *should* be doing it, but I’m BUSY with clients and candidates! How can I possibly find time to fit anything else into my day?” Especially something that seems as hard to measure as social media activity. Read the rest of this entry »

Global Recruiting Growth in Europe

by Dave Nerz

So maybe I’ve been reading the newspapers too much and watching those depressing business news programs too often. I was surprised to learn that recruitment growth in Europe is happening. Europe is growing at a year-over-year growth rate of 14% for November, a growth rate that mirrors October’s result. I thought that Europe was in a bad spot and getting worse. I was under the impression that all of Europe was in a recession and that recruitment growth was on the same trend line. Monster indicates that is not so. In fact, consider the following from the December 2 Monster Index:

  • Germany is up annually 30% year-over-year
  • Engineering is the star performer of the industries tracked
  • Engineering, transport, telecommunications, and production are all up over 25% this year
  • UK is up 8% year-over-year

It is true that some markets are negative and trending more negative. For example Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands are all negative year-over-year. France and Sweden are relatively flat.

There is opportunity for those who are connected to make placements with employers and perhaps do international splits with recruiters working in Europe. If you are not asking your clients about what they do internationally, this may be the year to start paying attention to the opportunities for cross-border placements. If you are recruiting in a flat or down market in Europe, ask your clients what they are doing in Asia, North America, or South America. The more you grow your market coverage area, the more you can make your business immune to the constant gyrations of a local market.


Independent Recruiters and LinkedIn: Corporate HR is taking over!

by Dave Nerz

image of LinkedIn, a tool used by agency recruitersA year ago when I opened LinkedIn Group pages, the number of recruiters and recruiter offers was overwhelming. It seemed that LinkedIn was the playground of recruiters and that others didn’t get it. I would like to see the actual metrics that LinkedIn keeps on usage and audiences. It seems to me that things are changing quickly. Read the rest of this entry »

Linkedin Lesson for Independent Recruiters

by Veronica Blatt

image of LinkedIn, a tool used by agency recruitersIf used correctly, Linkedin can be a great resource for independent recruiters. Because most people use Linkedin strictly for business purposes, you don’t have to worry about your newsfeed and inbox filling up with things unrelated to your professional career.  Linkedin allows recruiters to identify and contact candidates based on their work history, industry skills and specialization. It is very easy to target candidates, whether they are active or passive, if you know the basics of Linkedin. Since not everyone is familiar with Linkedin and how it can be used as a resource to identify candidates and publicize positions, here are five basic tips to help you survive on Linkedin. Read the rest of this entry »

3 Ways Independent Recruiters Can Use Twitter

by Veronica Blatt

twitter_newbird_boxed_whiteonblueLately, it seems people are all atwitter over Twitter. Twitter, the popular microblogging tool, asks users to answer the question, “What’s happening” in 140 characters or less. A lot of recruiters seem to wonder if Twitter is an actual recruiting resource or simply another new fad destined for the “time waste” trash heap. I believe Twitter CAN be a valuable tool for independent recruiters, and I’m going to share some ideas to get you started. First, though, some Twitter basics: Read the rest of this entry »

Job Boards: Recruiter Revenue Tool or Time Waster?

by Dave Nerz

A 2010 CareerXroads study of major companies found that 25 percent of all jobs were found as a result of job board applications. This was second only to employee referrals as the source of job candidates and placement. Even with these strong facts supporting the success of job boards, it is interesting to see the varied opinions the recruiting community has regarding job boards. (Disclosure: NPA launched its own recruiter job board in August 2011.) Read the rest of this entry »

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