Today’s guest blogger is Anne Downing with Demetrio & Associates, LLC located in greater Phoenix, Arizona. Demetrio & Associates is a boutique recruitment firm that has clients across the US as well as in international locations. The firm places candidates in sales & marketing, advertising, wireless and software positions.
Job seekers and companies with hiring needs are always looking for the perfect recruiter. There are a lot of independent recruiters in the world, but it’s important to both job seekers and clients to work with someone who will meet their specific needs. The search for a great recruiter can be tricky, but using social media to identify independent recruiters can make the process easier. Hiring managers, HR directors, and job seekers frequently seek out recruiters on LinkedIn, or do a Google search to find recruiters who specialize in the areas they are recruiting for.
If you are an independent recruiter, social media groups are a great way to get connected to other recruiters who can help you make split placements. Depending on the scope of your business, you may want to consider joining a global recruiter network as well.
Clients with job openings in more than one country should work with a recruiter who belongs to a network and can service those international hiring needs. Members of a global recruiters network work with each other to help clients with their hiring needs. Job seekers can also benefit from working with recruiters who are globally networked. A global recruiters network provides access to a larger pool of potential career openings.
Recently, I attended a global recruiting conference in Sydney, Australia. There were recruiters in attendance from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the USA. I sat next to a recruiter named Colin whom I’d never met before. After chatting for 5 minutes, we discovered that Colin (who lives and works in New Zealand) has open positions with one of his clients in Washington, D.C. I have candidates in Washington D.C. that are potentially good fits for his openings. Because of our connection through our global recruiting network, we are now working together to fill those openings. Neither of us would have these opportunities working on our own. Even better, his client is impressed that he is able to deliver qualified candidates in a short amount of time.
Whether you are a client, job seeker, or independent recruiter, you can benefit from working with a recruiter who is part of a global recruiting network. It’s a win-win-win situation!