When the Networking Well Runs Dry

by Sarah Freiburger

19196324.thbBecause it’s a competitive market for job seekers, recruiters can find it tough to find the right candidate for a role they’re trying to fill. This can be especially true when there is a very specific requirement or  the pipeline of potential candidates has dried up. The longer a position stays open, the costlier the open position becomes due to the time, energy, effort, and productivity expended to hire a candidate. If it’s been days, weeks, months, and that job order is still open, it might be time to change up your approach and use a different method to find that needle in the haystack. Read the rest of this entry »

Turn-Around Phrases That Work

by Veronica Blatt

scott_photoToday’s guest blogger is Scott Love, a performance coach for recruiters. He shortens the learning curve for rookies and helps experienced recruiters finally reach their full potential. Over 4,500 staffing and recruiting firms from over 35 countries have invested in his training and performance systems. Visit his free training site to access his blog, his podcast, and download ten free tools that will help you bill more: www.GreatRecruiterTraining.com.

What if there was one single phrase that you could use with all of your prospects that would turn them around to consider buying your product or service? There is. Read the rest of this entry »

Improving the Hiring Process

by Veronica Blatt

We are continuing to hear members complaining about an employer’s broken hiring process, too many interviews, and great candidates who “got away” or removed themselves from consideration. With more and more companies lamenting the dearth of qualified candidates, it’s even MORE important to make sure that good candidates don’t become disillusioned and drop out. Qualigence created an infographic that points out some of the factors that have contributed to the current hiring environment: Read the rest of this entry »

Employee Satisfaction at All-time Highs…Yet Retention is at Risk

by Dave Nerz

5 Tips for Business Networking

by Veronica Blatt

business networkingOur guest blogger is Taufik Arief from People Search Indonesia, PT, based in Jakarta. People Search Indonesia, PT serves top multinational, local conglomerates as well as start-up companies in ASEAN, and successfully recruits top and mid-level executives for their clients. Taufik is currently serving on the NPAworldwide board of directors.

Coming to a networking event (club) is a continuous  investment made by people in the business community. It’s a channel for business development, brand and reputation building as well as socializing. Achieving a positive ROI for participating in this kind of activity is important for everyone. Following are 5 tips to boost and sustain your ROI from business networking. Read the rest of this entry »

Using Social Media to Recruit Candidates and Develop Clients

by Veronica Blatt

social-networks-2I had an opportunity recently to listen to a webinar by Tony Restell with Social Hire, called How to Acquire Candidates & Clients with the Right Social Media Strategy. If you aren’t familiar with Tony and the team at Social Hire, it’s worth following them on social media. We hear from our members regularly that they aren’t sure that using social media to recruit candidates can be effective. Here are some of the tips I picked up from the webinar.

Using social media to recruit candidates and develop clients will contribute directly to business results. An effective social media strategy will build up a regular stream of inquiries and interactions from potential clients, increase the inbound flow of candidates, help build brand awareness, and improve SEO results. Social media can also be a major source of web traffic. Read the rest of this entry »

Why You Should Provide Your Salary History to Employers and Recruiters

by Dave Nerz

pink-piggy-bankIt has recently become a very popular point of contention for job seekers to refuse to offer salary history to prospective employers and the recruiters they use to source talent. While in some instances this may make very good sense, particularly if someone was significantly underemployed or underpaid, in most cases it is creating an unnecessary hurdle that may cause a candidate to be excluded from consideration for a job they really want.

Let’s look at this as a pure sales situation. Who is selling and who is buying in the employer-employee relationship? I would propose the employee/candidate is selling and the employer/recruiter is buying. So when a buyer asks, “What is the price?” the seller should be able to provide a price and some foundation for the price requested. Have you ever gone to a car dealer and when you ask the price of a car, the dealer says, “What is your budget?” That move is considered unethical in the consumer world and is usually a sign that they are prepared to take advantage of you. The employer will likely view it the same way when candidates are less than forthcoming with salary expectations and a foundation for a specific salary request. Read the rest of this entry »

What makes a good client?

by Liz Carey

xzhbqor9gmIt takes a lot of time and filled job orders for a recruiter to develop a good relationship with a client – as a recruiter, you must produce results, build trust and be dependable for your clients. But a relationship is a two-way street and it takes more than an employer saying “just find me this candidate” and paying you a fee to cultivate a successful business partnership.

The client has a huge role in getting the job order filled as well, and can’t just take the back seat. They must make time to discuss the requirement with you, provide thorough candidate feedback, have an efficient hiring process, and respect the fee structure.

Here are 5 common problems with clients that recruiters face: Read the rest of this entry »

Split Story: Stepping Outside of Your Specialty or Reach

by Sarah Freiburger

Piggy BankMaking split placements outside of your specialized niche or industry is a strategic business move that can add significant revenue and help attract multinational clients. So why is everyone not doing it? Stepping outside of your comfort zone is scary. It is often intimidating putting yourself out there when you are unsure of who and what you will encounter. You may find other recruiters that have the same clients, or may be concerned you will balk at the client’s questions outside of your specialty. The competitive nature of everything we do in our business ventures can create doubt and uncertainty. It is amazing that our worst fears are often never realized, and in fact, anxiety is turned into success.

Consider this split placement story where the result of stepping out paid off for a firm:

A Memphis-based member of NPAworldwide used to work purely finance roles. As the network advertises firm roles across the globe and of all specialties, his confidence to attain these roles grew. He also quickly realized the strength of trading partners after being exposed to recruiters that have varying specialties outside of his own, including work in engineering, as well as roles and candidates outside the United States. Read the rest of this entry »

Positive Global Recruitment Indicators

by Veronica Blatt

blue-arrows-growthTwice each year, we survey the members of our global recruitment network to benchmark past results and predict future results. I’m pleased to share the latest results of our business barometer benchmarking survey today. NPAworldwide has more than 500 member locations across six continents. The business barometer asks members to report on all of their recruitment activity, not just the split placements made with other NPAworldwide members.

Some background data about the survey respondents:

  • For 65% of respondents, the majority of their business is conducted in North America
  • 23% primarily conduct business in Australia/New Zealand
  • The remaining 12% report the majority of their business occurs in Asia, Latin America, or EMEA
  • More than 70% of respondents focus on both clients and candidates; 17% exclusively work with clients to fill openings and the remaining 12% exclusively provide candidates for other recruiters’ job openings

Read the rest of this entry »

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