Joining a recruitment network can open up a world of opportunities for a recruiter – new trading partners to do splits with, access to recruiters and candidates outside of your niche and geographic area, and a group of peers to brainstorm with and bounce ideas off of. But for a “newbie” joining an established network, it can sometimes seem like everybody already knows each other, so how do you make a name for yourself? Here are 4 tips on how to get your feet wet in a split placement network:
1-Where to start
You have to get your name out there. Make it a point to call one network member each week/month. Recruiters are busy and they don’t often have time to keep tabs on and reach out to every new recruiter who joins the network. By being proactive and introducing yourself, you’ll stand out from the crowd and be able to develop relationships with other trading partners faster. You never know who is looking for help from a recruiter who specializes in exactly what you do or where you work. It’s important to reach out by phone, and not just hide behind a computer screen. You might find a position that another recruiter posted online that interests you, but it’s in both of your best interests for you to reach out and connect with that recruiter to find out more about the role and the client before you waste anyone’s time.
2-Communication matters
The most successful trading partner relationships work because both recruiters are open and honest. The recruiter with the job order will likely share every single piece of information about a role, including his client’s information, if he/she trusts the exporter he/she is working with. It’s important for the exporter to get clarity on the role and the company culture in order to completely understand what the client is looking for and find the right fit. The recruiter with the job order will also keep his trading partner informed and “in the loop” of any new developments in the hiring process. By being completely transparent, the two partners will develop a sense of trust in one another, leading to a smooth hiring process and a solid relationship where they know they can turn to each other for help in the future.
3-Meetings and the importance of getting your name out there
Attend meetings and trading group calls so people can put a face and/or voice to your name. The more people hear from you, the more likely they are going to think you are active and reliable, and might be able to help them. When you go to meetings, you learn an incredible amount, but you also learn more about one another. Recruiters have limited time during the day to have in-depth conversations, so by going to the meetings, you get to know someone’s style a bit more and learn a bit more about their clients or things they’re hoping to do. Personal connections really do help.
4-Find a peer coach or mentor
If your network offers peer coaches or mentors, sign up for one immediately. They know who the “players” in the network are, and will be happy to help connect you. This business isn’t the easiest in the world, and it helps to have someone you can ask questions to or bounce ideas off of — maybe you can learn from them about a certain type of technology, or about their experience working with a particular affiliate. Everybody works differently, so it’s nice to hear firsthand how someone has worked with different people in the network.
How did you get your start in a split network?