We’re continuing to answer some of the most common NPAworldwide membership questions. Today’s question is, “There aren’t a lot of posted jobs or candidates in my niche. Am I going to be able to make any splits?”
The short answer to this question is yes, you’ll be able to make splits. Here are a few things to consider:
Not Everyone Posts Everything
Some members only post jobs. Other only post candidates. Others post infrequently. Members who are working on a retained search might not post at all, because they don’t want multiple recruiters trying to source candidates. Some members only share jobs directly with pre-vetted trading partners. The point is, everyone works a little differently. The trick is to find a handful of partners whose work style meshes with your own. Because most NPAworldwide members are very relationship-focused, you’ll need to spend time building relationships as opposed to looking for transactions. The relationships are what leads to the splits. Read the rest of this entry »