
Pay Transparency Laws Gaining Ground in North America

by Veronica Blatt

Effective today, certain employers in New York City will be required to include salary ranges for job postings. This is the newest of a host of pay transparency laws that have gone into effect in North America, with more sure to follow. These laws, in combination with laws that prohibit employers from asking about a candidate’s salary history, are intended to fight the gender pay gap as well as historically low pay rates for workers of color. Similar laws are in effect, or will be soon, in places like Colorado, California, and Washington. Read the rest of this entry »

Employers, Don’t Let a Slowing Economy Change Your Strategy

by Veronica Blatt

Our guest blogger is Pam Robison of J. Gifford Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma. J. Gifford Inc. is a small, quality conscious firm providing highly individualized recruiting services to clients on a local, regional, national and international basis. The firm’s recruiting activities are focused on professional, technical and managerial placement, as well as contractor and international staffing for clients. Pam is Secretary/Treasurer of the NPAworldwide Board of Directors.

In a slowing economy, businesses often decide to freeze or delay hiring. Sometimes this is to reduce costs; after all, new employees have a real budget impact. Consider the possibility that this could be a costly mistake with long-term implications. While it is tempting to put off hiring until business returns to full strength, delays or freezes can do more harm than good. Read the rest of this entry »

Split Placements Benefit Clients and Recruiters

by Veronica Blatt

Split placements, where two recruiters work together to fill a job opening and share the resulting commission, have long been the “secret sauce” that helps many recruiters add revenue to their business. But splits are beneficial for clients as well, so if you’re hiring a third-party recruiter, you might want to ask if splits are part of their business mix. Here are some reasons why:

Access a larger candidate pool—Recruiters who utilize split placements can access a larger candidate pool than they would have working independently. This helps clients cast a wider net to locate hard-to-find candidates. Read the rest of this entry »

Managing Distributed Workforces: Remote Payroll Taxes

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blog is from People 2.0, a leading provider of back-office solutions for staffing and recruiting organizations, nationally and globally. We offer a variety of support services, including payrolling, payroll funding, risk management, etc., and serve as a strategic resource in helping you efficiently and profitably place talent. www.people20.com

Advances in technology have enabled employees to pursue more flexibility in their work. Flexibility in hours and location have become a key tool for attracting—and retaining—talent. Despite some pushback from organizations, distributed workforces, and even contingent labor, can actually benefit the company as well as the worker. Read the rest of this entry »

Keeping The Hiring Process Fair For All Candidates

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Justin Lowe. Justin is the director of global marketing and business development at McQuaig, a global leader in talent management solutions. McQuaig assessments are designed to provide a deeper insight into a candidate’s personality, cognitive, and behavioral attributes. With over 50 years of experience, McQuaig assessments provide a comprehensive view of a candidate and their potential to succeed in a organization while shedding light on the most important areas of employee development. Read the post below for some ideas on how to increase fairness in your hiring process.

Who you choose to bring into your company will shape the way your organization develops. Employees are, after all, the heart of any company so it stands to reason that hiring new ones can be an involved and important process. But not all hiring strategies are created equal and how you structure your approach to talent acquisition might be costing you strong candidates along the way. If your process isn’t fair to all, candidates might slip through the cracks before they even reach you. Next time you need a few new employees, take a moment before you go off to hire and think about the unintentional barriers that may be built into your process. Prioritizing fairness for all job applicants doesn’t just improve your candidate experience, but it can also help you truly find the right person for the right role. Read the rest of this entry »

Candidate Expectations May Not Align with Employers

by Dave Nerz

Covid is beginning to recede and the market for talent is super-heated. You have survived the downturn caused by the pandemic. You have adjusted to the challenges presented by work from home (WFH), work anywhere, and hybrid work options for candidates. You have endured, and even organized, Zoom interviews for candidates, virtual onboarding, no shows, ghosting, falloffs and turndowns. What is next?

Recruiters, according to research by iCIMS, there are more challenges in your future. The iCIMS survey shows that new graduates, soon to be your candidates, are likely to be a bit idealistic about career aspirations, work locations and many other conditions surrounding their employment. Here are some of the big candidate expectations: Read the rest of this entry »

Why Reducing Hiring Bias is Good for Business

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Certn, the leader in human risk intelligence solutions, focusing on providing real-time comprehensive background checks and ongoing risk monitoring for employees, contractors and tenants in 200+ countries.

Used by leading employers, staffing firms, property management companies and the gig economy, Certn returns domestic and international criminal background checks, credit reports, reference checks, education verification, employment verification, motor vehicle records, identity verification and more in minutes. Through innovative, friendly, and compliant technology, Certn is advancing trusted connections around the world.

It’s time to reduce bias in your hiring process. Hiring is a key activity within any organization, but it can be riddled with unintentional bias that prevents you from finding the best candidate for the job.

Hiring bias can lead to lost productivity, higher turnover rates, and a less diverse workforce. While more recruiters and hiring managers aim to create a diverse workforce and are always looking at innovative ways to create an inclusive space, bias may still be present during the hiring process. Read the rest of this entry »

5 Tips for Hiring Remote Workers

by Veronica Blatt

As the talent shortage continues, many employers hiring remote workers. As more organizations offer remote or hybrid work options, it’s no longer necessary to have a totally local workforce. Hiring remote workers requires you to rethink your “traditional” hiring process. Here are some tips to help you succeed. Read the rest of this entry »

5 Proven Ways to Speed Up Your Hiring Process

by Dave Nerz

Great candidates are difficult to locate these days. Top talent is receiving multiple offers from employers. Job seekers are in the drivers seat when it comes to salary, work location, vacation and benefits. Fulfilling on the hiring process is tough work. Do yourself a favor and make it a bit easier with these proven methods to improve hiring.

Define the Position Well

OK, position description (PD) creation sounds as exciting as watching paint dry. Done well, it will make your hiring process go more smoothly. For example, how many times have we written in a PD, “Bachelors Degree Required?” Now is the time to challenge this, not when the candidate has been interviewed and we see that an experienced candidate is a few credits short or has adequate work experience but not the right degree. Read the rest of this entry »

9 Reasons Why Growing Businesses Should Use External Recruitment Companies

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Tim Lane founder and director of Park Lane Recruitment based near Manchester UK.  Park Lane Recruitment is a specialist recruiting firm in the technology space with niche areas of cybersecurity, fintech, space and defense IT, as well as generic IT sales, tech and managerial.  Tim is also an NPAworldwide Board Director with responsibility for the EMEA region and a 30+ year veteran of the recruiting industry.

Finding the right employees is essential for any company. With the right team in place, businesses can achieve great things. However, finding the best talent can be a daunting task. There are many different ways to find employees, but one of the most effective methods is using an external recruitment company. Here are 10 reasons why companies should use external recruiters! Read the rest of this entry »

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