As more independent recruiters are realizing the value of balancing their desk with completing split placements with other recruiters, please keep top of mind these tips and ideas for how to be more effective split placement partners. These ideas are valuable whether you make splits within a formal network or on your own, and come from our network of 500+ firms that make splits routinely.
If you work the job/client side:
- Share the client details with your partner. That way, your partner won’t accidentally source candidates from the company that is hiring. While you’re at it, provide the names of competitors that COULD be a good source of candidates. Let your partner know your relationship with the client as well. Are you friends with the hiring manager? Do you have a long track record of making placements there? They have a great history of speedy payment? You can guarantee that candidates you present will get interviews? Especially for recruiters who work on a contingency basis, these details will help them feel more confident that a successful split placement will occur.
- Share feedback throughout the process. How many candidates have been interviewed? Are there any internal candidates? What’s missing from the candidates that have already been presented? This will help your split placement partner recruit more precisely. Once candidates are submitted to you, nothing alienates a split placement partner more quickly than sending candidates into a black hole. Even if you feel the candidate should be more on the mark, give a new partner a few chances to improve with feedback.
If you work the candidate side:
- Add value to the information you provide. Talk to your candidates before submitting to a split placement partner. This will instantly add value to the information you provide. And yes, extensive written communication can ‘count’ as having ‘talked’ to the candidate in some circumstances. Your split placement partner isn’t interested in sharing 50% of the fee for out-of-date (or incorrect) candidate details. Be ready to support your split placement partner when it’s time to close the candidate, extend the offer, etc.
- Don’t pester your partner for feedback on the candidate. Your partner is trying to get feedback from the client. Sometimes clients are slow. Nagging your split placement partner won’t make the feedback appear more quickly. And NEVER interfere with your partner’s client relationship.
It takes a great deal of trust and commitment to be a successful split placement partner. Many recruiters are more comfortable making splits within the boundaries of a formal network. If you’re making splits on your own, be sure to execute a signed split placement agreement with your partner to avoid any disputes.
Excellent overview from both sides of the spit placement equation. Importers should engage a real recruiting partner, Know your NPA affiliate is a partner, not a resume vendor. Exporters must see through the lenses of the Importer, understand and be a valued partner in understanding the issues their partners face with clients.
Every Importer has their system , Exporters should ask what that system is and adjust their process to mirror the Importer as they have been allowed to join the team, follow the wishes of the Importer.
Importers MUST share the facts and details of the position with the Exporter if they expect a real recruiting partner. If not the Exporter will become only a resume vendor with little added value.
Two professional recruiters as a team can truly help and appreciate each other’s talents and responsibilities in the partnership. One non-communicative or unappreciative partner will destroy the team. Remember it’s a relationship built on cooperative work and trust.