Fake Candidates: 8 Red Flags Recruiters Should Look Out For

by Liz Carey

Hands holding up a black mask over an ominous dark backgroundWe’ve heard of candidates embellishing their qualifications and education, listing family and friends as references, ‘cheating’ a drug test, and even ‘faking’ their way through an interview. But even worse is the rise of completely fake candidates. Members of the NPAworldwide Recruitment Network are seeing fake candidates apply to their clients’ jobs more and more, and recruiters are becoming highly adept at noticing red flags.

In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, the ability to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit resumes is more crucial than ever. As recruiters, our mission is to identify and secure the best talent for our organizations. However, with the increasing sophistication of fake resumes, this task has become fraught with challenges. Here to guide you through these murky waters is a comprehensive exploration of eight tips to spot a fake candidate resume. Read the rest of this entry »

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