In a recruitment network, there can be hundreds of trading partners to choose from and work with. If you have a job order, how do you get the attention of a great exporter to provide candidates for it? And likewise, if you have a great candidate, how do you present it to members with jobs? Here are some helpful tips, straight from some of the most successful members of NPAworldwide:
Presenting Records to Your Trading Partners
by Liz CareyThe Exporter’s Guide to the Split Placement Network
by Liz CareyIn a recruiting network, you have several different types of recruiters: importers – the recruiter working for clients who has job orders to fill, exporters – the recruiter working with candidates who solely refers talent to importers, and recruiters who do a combination of importing and exporting.
It’s a great system – an importer can simply post their job order and an exporter may find a perfect match by searching their database and sending one along. But it can only work correctly if both sides are on the same page. No importer wants to be spammed by an exporter with 100 resumes of candidates that don’t match what they’re looking for whatsoever, and no exporter wants to waste their time providing quality referrals to someone who doesn’t give any feedback. Read the rest of this entry »