Understanding and Reducing Employee Turnover: Recruiters’ Guide

by Liz Carey

employee entering business through revolving doorEmployee turnover is one of the biggest recruitment challenges faced by businesses. Whether it’s the entry-level workers leaving within a few months of joining or managers quitting their high-paying jobs, losing employees is an issue that affects the working, productivity, and overall health of the organization. According to data from the Society for Human Resources Management, the average cost of replacing an employee is six to nine months of that employee’s salary. Additionally, the lack of corporate knowledge and experience that accompanies the loss of employees can have a significant impact on business operations. As a recruiter, it is essential to understand the root causes of employee turnover to help clients reduce the turnover rate.

Here are five tips for recruiters to help their clients overcome the employee turnover problem:

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Why Are So Many Employees Quitting?

by Veronica Blatt

The headlines are full of reports about the record number of employees quitting their jobs. According to a new Pew Research study conducted in February, the top reasons for this are low pay (63%), no opportunities for advancement (63%), and feeling disrespected at work (57%). While a fair amount of headlines suggest that there are large numbers of people simply choosing not to work, the research from Pew indicates that is not true. The majority of survey respondents who quit (and did not retire) are currently employed, 55% full-time and 23% part-time. Furthermore, 50% or more report their new employment situation has improved in pay (56%), advancement opportunities (53%), work-life balance (53%) and flexibility with work hours (50%). Read the rest of this entry »

What Causes Employee Turnover?

by Dave Nerz

That is a loaded question. And with the impact of COVID, WFH and industry ups-and-downs, employee turnover is even more complex.

Not Always About Money

Here is what I have learned over the years. Employees leave their employers when the job becomes a burden. That is sometimes due to the lack of compensation, but more typically employee turnover is driven by relationships with fellow employees or a manager. Lack of a trusting manager is high on that list. People do not enjoy being micromanaged and a steady diet of micromanagement is a huge incentive to start looking for something new. Read the rest of this entry »

Wrestling with Employee Retention

by Veronica Blatt

wrestling-illustrationToday’s guest blogger is NPA member Jeff Kortes with Human Asset Management in Franklin, Wisconsin. Jeff has 25 years of experience as a human resources professional, trainer, and consultant. He has held leadership roles while working for companies such as ConAgra, Midas International, SPX, and Regal Ware, Inc. After three facility closures, a strike and a corporate buyout, Jeff started Human Asset Management LLC. He has trained hundreds of first-line supervisors, managers, and executives during his career.

Dave Nerz recently wrote a blog on the fact that voluntary turnover will be increasing as employee confidence in the economy increases. We are in fact seeing that more and more. Unfortunately for most companies, they don’t see it.

Dave posed the question in his last blog, “What is the best way to keep top talent?” The answer that I often tell my retention consulting clients became VERY clear a couple of weeks ago while I was at the WI State Wrestling Tournament two weeks ago. Read the rest of this entry »

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