In this installment of our series on NPAworldwide membership questions, I’d like to address another common question (which is actually two separate, but related questions):
When do I find out the client name / when do I speak to the client?
NPAworldwide is a split placement network of independent recruitment firms. One firm is the job recruiter that has the client relationship and is marketing the open role. The other firm is the candidate recruiter, representing the candidate who is being considered for the role. The client relationship belongs squarely with the job recruiter. With rare exceptions, it is not appropriate for a candidate recruiter to contact their partner’s client. This includes:
- Contacting the client to schedule interviews
- Contacting the client for feedback about a candidate
- Contacting the client to “sell” them on a candidate they have rejected
- Contacting the client for payment updates
Very rarely, job recruiters will invite candidate recruiters to participate in some limited activity with a client. We recommend that the details be spelled out clearly, in writing, so that both sides are in agreement of when the candidate recruiter may speak directly to the job recruiter’s client. In general, if you are the candidate recruiter, assume that you will not be speaking with the client.
Job recruiters must consider the candidate recruiter to be a full and equal partner in the placement process. They are obligated to provide the candidate recruiter with all significant information regarding the placement, including arrangement of any interview(s), offers and acceptances. Screening calls are NOT considered part of the placement process in our network.
To safeguard the client relationship, jobs that are shared within NPAworldwide do not include the name of the hiring employer. Job recruiters are not required to share the name of the client until they present a candidate to their client. Once candidate contact information is released to a client company, the job recruiter must immediately disclose all the information about the position, including the name of the client and the job location, to the candidate recruiter. All activity from a first interview (by phone or in person) onward is part of the placement activity until the shared information results in a conclusion.
Here is another post about NPAworldwide membership questions related to branding.