The following list shows the top 10 posts from our blog for the past 15 months. The posts cover a variety of topics independent recruiters find interesting. You may, too! Read one/day and within two weeks you may find something in the posts that will enhance your work as a recruiter or as an owner of an recruiting firm. These contain a wide range of topics from recruiting franchises to social media to mobile technology and more. Most topics on our blog are geared toward a recruiter audience with occasional posts that are client- or job seeker-focused.
Starting a Recruiting Business: Recruitment Franchise vs. Recruiting Networks
Mergers & Acquisitions in the Global Recruiting Industry
5 Best Practices for Independent Recruiters Using Facebook
3 Key Differences Between NPA and Bounty Jobs
Anyone Can Be an Independent Recruiter, Right?
7 Questions to Help Independent Recruiters Take Better Job Orders
3 Things Global Recruiters Need to Know About Mobile Technology
What is the Difference Between Corporate and Independent Recruiting?
Whatsapp Can Be a Useful Tool for Global Recruiting
7 Gestures to Avoid in International Recruiting
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