One of the benefits of membership in a worldwide recruiting network like NPAworldwide is the ability to promote an international capability to your clients, serve your clients outside of their home markets, maximize your firm’s business opportunity by spending your time where the jobs are, and avoiding down economic situations in your home market.
NPAworldwide defines “cross-border” splits as deals where the partners are operating in different countries. Here are several recent examples of NPAworldwide members that completed a cross-border split:
- One of NPAworldwide’s members located in Pennsylvania is no stranger to cross-border placements, and has recently worked with two different international NPA members to help make their first network placement. She placed a Regional Sales Manager in the Biotechnology / Life Sciences industry in Ireland. The candidate came from a London-based NPAworldwide member, who had attended an NPAworldwide practice group meeting and heard this importer mention she was looking to find someone to help with a Regional Sales Manager role for German-speaking countries in Europe. He reached out after the call and began working collaboratively with her on the role, ultimately finding the perfect candidate – a German citizen living in France, with direct experience in developing European customers, who would be working for the Ireland subsidiary of the importer’s client in the US.
- This same importer worked with another London-based NPAworldwide partner, placing his candidate, a Regional Sales Manager in the Biotechnology / Life Sciences Industry in the USA. He found her job posted on the internal NPAworldwide job board, and contacted her because he had placed similar job titles within the banking sector in the past, though never within the Biotech/ Pharma space. The importer discussed exactly what the client was looking for, and he began working on it. She provided feedback on several CVs that weren’t a fit, and finally he found the perfect fit.
- A simple birthday greeting is what led one Bangkok-based NPAworldwide member to reach out to an old client, who mentioned he was struggling to find an Airfreight Manager for their company in Vietnam. He offered his service and quickly looked up Vietnam-based recruiters on NPAworldwide’s directory. The Vietnam-based exporter that he reached out to was quick to help… even joining in the importer’s client call to take the job briefing. A couple weeks later, one of their shortlisted candidates was interviewed and offered the job!
“Pure magic and showed the power of our network. This successful placement gave us a new opportunity with this client; with one of the other NPAworldwide partners in Bangkok we are now working on a new job,” he said.
- Despite Covid-19 and border and travel restrictions, another pair of NPAworldwide partners, one in Toronto, Canada and one in Bangkok, Thailand, were able to successfully complete a search for the Canada member’s client. Despite the Thailand partner mainly working in domestic recruitment in Thailand or mobilization of expatriates for work in Asia, the Middle East & Europe, she saw the Canada member’s role posted – a Water Department Manager in the Caribbean – and reached out. They launched the search and were able to close with a great candidate based in Ireland. This was followed closely by a second split together for a Power Plant Supervisor with the same client in the same location – another British candidate who was at that time located on a remote project in the Egyptian desert.
“From Scotland to Canada, to Ireland to the deserts of Egypt to the Caribbean … all in these much-changed days of COVID was really inspiring and we were just delighted to have this success story through this wonderful network!! Looking forward to many more…” she said.