In case you missed them the first time, here is a rundown of our top five most popular recruiting blogs of the year:
Preparing for a Post-COVID Turnover Boom – this is the top-ranking item in our list of popular recruiting blogs. After a long period of economic uncertainty, many employees are ready to make career moves this year. Employers will need to be creative and flexible in order to retain their top performers, especially those who are struggling with burnout or mental health.
12 Steps to Follow to Start a Recruiting Business – If you’re a recruiter who’s considering going into business for yourself, here is a detailed action plan to help you get started. Like all small businesses, recruiting requires a detailed business plan, market research, a pricing model, financing, business infrastructure and more. Spend the time now to lay a good foundation – it will increase your odds of success!
Elements of a Good Recruiter Split Fee Agreement – For recruiters who participate in split placements without the benefit of a formal network or other organization, it’s imperative to have a good written agreement with your trading partner. Document how the work will be divided, what the payment terms are, how is candidate ownership determined, how you can amend the agreement, and how disputes will be handled. Do this before any work commences, and be sure to consult your attorney to make sure your agreement is legally valid.
Ghosting by Candidates, Employers, and Recruiters – Ghosting, the practice of ending all communication with another person without warning or apparent justification, is on the rise by candidates. While this is a newer phenomenon for both employers and recruiters, and certainly frustrating, it can be the outcome of a hiring process that is overly automated. Strong relationships with candidates will lessen the incidences of ghosting. Recruiters and employers also need to examine their own habits to ensure they are not participating in ghosting behavior.
How to Calculate Staffing Agency Net Profit – Many factors are involved when any staffing agency considers pricing. The basic elements are bill rate, pay rate, taxes, insurance, and healthcare benefits. You may have other costs that are unique to your business. Once you fully understand your costs, use this blog to help you calculate your gross and net profit.
Thank you for your readership and support. Are there other popular recruiting blogs you can share?