As this unprecedented pandemic continues to make it’s mark on the world and various industries, one of the emerging layoffs that seem to be happening is internal and corporate recruiters. Each day various social media groups include postings of these laid off recruiters searching for their next opportunity or wanting to be hired by others. A question you should be asking yourself if you are in this position might be, whose name do I want to end up seeing at the top of a client check?
That’s an easy question for most to answer, but for various reasons over the course of their recruitment careers, instead the answer to that question has been the internal corporation they work for, or perhaps a franchise name, or the firm they work for. While it can be daunting to attempt to go out on your own, here are some reasons behind why it may be the time to do so.
- Regardless of where you are hired, you are expected to generate business. Recruitment is a sales industry at the forefront, and while it may help to have a bigger name to say on an intro call, ultimately it you that is securing the contract and then closing the placement. Why not make the move now to get a business plan in place so that the next placement you close you see all of it?
- The world is at your fingertips. As our network has been around since 1956, many firms in business for so many years comment at how difficult recruitment used to be. Clients names found in books, paper mailing communication, and phone charges by the minute were all obstacles. Now, you are really able to be an independent recruiter with your cell phone and a laptop with WiFi. Granted, you have to use both skillfully, but now more than ever with the world moving at almost a standstill, you have the opportunity to build up a brand, get marketing in place, touch in with candidates and old contacts about your new venture, and start a business plan.
- You don’t have to be alone as an independent. Many times the attraction of working on a team or with partners keeps recruiters in the corporate or large office set up. However, as an independent in the world today, more just like you willing to exchange business practices and opportunities are easy to leverage once you find your community. There are free groups to join on linked-in or facebook to make split placements or more formal organization and companies like NPAworldwide to join to leverage the power of many independents working together. Use your current recruitment experience to recruit on other’s jobs for 50% of a fee as you negotiate and land your own contracts to get off to a great start.
Our full blog found at is a great resource of articles as to next steps to starting your own agency, however above else use some recruitment common sense during this time: be diverse, manage your time, don’t over-focus and stay positive.