I saw a Twitter post last week titled “22 Things Happy People Do Differently” written by Chiara Fucarino and published in Life’d and although it doesn’t directly relate to the recruiting industry, these things can be applied to you, your employees and your independent recruiting firms. I strongly believe that a work environment plays a large part in the productivity of your independent recruiters so it might make sense to think about each of the things listed below and evaluate whether you can do more improve the environment you and your employees spend 40+ hours a week in.
1. See problems as challenges – problems are typically viewed as negative situations and challenges cast a more positive light and encourage you to rise to the occasion.
2. Don’t sweat the small stuff – life is too short to get worked up over trivial things. Ask yourself “will this problem matter a year from now?”
3. Speak well of others – positivity breeds positivity. If you speak highly of others it will rub off on your employees and create a positive working environment.
4. Don’t make excuses – own up to your mistakes or failures and don’t blame them on others. By doing so, you will change your life proactively for the better.
5. Get absorbed in the present – try not to dwell on the past or future or you will miss what’s important today.
6. Take time to listen – listening keeps you open minded to others ideas and opinions.
7. Tell the truth – lying creates stress and anxiety. Telling the truth will improve your mental health and build others trust in you.
8. Establish personal control – establish your own destiny and don’t let others control how you live your life.
9. Accept what cannot be changed – when you accept there are certain things that you cannot influence, you can focus on what you can control and improve your life for the better.
10. Nurture social relationships – understand how important it is to have strong, healthy relationships; whether it be with other independent recruiters or your friends and family.
I’ve only included 10 of the list of “22 Things Happy People Do Differently” so it might be worth while for you to continue reading. When I read this list, I noticed there are some things that I do well, and some that I do poorly. As independent recruiters, I’m sure you’re in the same boat. Work environment is a very important part of a person’s life and by working to improve some of the things on this list, it’s possible you are also improving the work environment for independent recruiters around you.