There’s been some lively discussion among the NPA ranks this week about the perils of neglecting candidates. While many (most?) recruiters say they work for the client—and I don’t disagree, because that’s who pays the bills—it seems timely to remind independent recruiters not to forget about the candidate. Especially in the candidate-short market recruiters are facing today.
Candidates have options. Lots of options. You’re not “doing them a favor” by helping them take important steps in their career. Independent recruiters and clients who aren’t responding to candidates in a professional, timely manner will lose out to those who do.
Qualigence International, the largest recruitment research firm in the US, recently conducted a survey on what recruiters and hiring managers consider their primary focus in 2013. The most shocking detail? ZERO said “making sure the candidate is satisfied.” Take a look at the other results in the [INFOGRAPHIC] below:
What are YOU doing as an independent recruiter, to show your candidates a little love?