What will the work environment look like in the next 10 years? In a recent study by Apollo Research Institute (ARI), 65% of employers and 75% of college students felt that today’s job skills would be suitable 10 years from now. Apollo’s research suggests otherwise.
According to ARI, three key changes affecting the workplace in the next 10 years involve technology, globalization, and demographics. ARI stated that as organizations become flatter and more socially networked, workers will need to demonstrate new forms of collaboration and productivity. International recruiting will definitely be affected by these changes.
To learn more, you may be interested in viewing ARI’s Future of Work webinar on demand to learn about the workplace of the future. Or, read a short summary below of the 7 key forecasts that the ARI concluded in their Future of Work study:
1. VUCA World
The work environment is increasingly “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.” Organizations and individuals will need to reconfigure resources swiftly in response to disruptive events.
2. Superstructing
As communications networks become decentralized, workers will formulate new, non-hierarchical ways to collaborate and solve workplace challenges.
3. Flat-World Labor
As crowdsourcing platforms permit international recruiting, organizations will favor workers who can successfully team with diverse colleagues from around the world.
4. Smart Machines
Automated systems may replace some human tasks, but human intelligence will be needed to solve complex problems and enhance the productivity of workers and machines.
5. Data-Intensive Work
With more information available than ever before, organizations will need creative people who can filter and display data in value-creating ways.
6. Information-Driven Sociality
Social networking tools will help to facilitate on-the-job team coordination.
7. Deep Diversity
Workplace diversity will be recognized as vital to innovation. “Deep diversity” includes personal demographics as well as professional background and skills.
If you are a recruiter, are you prepared for how these changes will affect international recruiting?