If you are unemployed and looking for a new job or currently employed and desiring to move to another company, many ways exist for you to find that new job. For example, networking with your family and friends as well as friends of friends is ideal and may result in you finding that new job. However, if this preferred way of finding a job does not produce results, you may want to consider another option. The option I am referring to is working with a third-party, independent recruiter.
Companies will hire an independent recruiting agency for a variety of reasons. It may be growing quickly and not have the time or ability to hire the desired employees. It may have tried to find employees for specific jobs but has been unable to find employees who meet their requirements. Or, it may be searching for employees outside of its reach located in a different location than the company headquarters; for example, in another state/province or another country.
If you decide to look for an independent recruiter to help you find a job, consider the following before you invest time in the relationship:
1. Recruiting Experience
For how long has the recruiter been working as a recruiter in your industry and/or other industries?
2. Knowledge and Capabilities
Does the recruiter understand your industry and the area in which you specialize? Or, do they have access to other independent recruiters either through an informal network or formal network who do understand the specifics of your situation.
3. Geographical Reach
If you are searching for a job in another state or province, does the recruiter belong to an informal or formal network of recruiters which would increase the likelihood that the recruiter would know about non-local jobs? If you are searching for a job in another country, does the recruiter have global recruiting capabilities?
4. Integrity
After speaking with the recruiter, do you feel the recruiter operates with integrity? You may want to ask the recruiter for a couple of references; individuals with whom the recruiter has worked and placed in new jobs.
5. Commitment
For your relationship with the recruiter to be fruitful, commitment is important. However, commitment goes both ways. I recommend you remove your resume from job boards like Monster and CareerBuilder and tell the recruiter you have done so. Why should you do this? Employers will not pay recruiters for finding candidates if they (the company) find them on job boards. Therefore, many recruiters choose to not work with candidates who have posted their resumes on job boards.
If you have worked with a third-party, independent recruiter in the past, do you have any other suggestions for someone investigating this option?