Making Assessment Tools Work for You and Your Candidates

by Veronica Blatt

Today’s guest blogger is Rachelle Mire, senior account executive at McQuaig, a global leader in talent management solutions. McQuaig assessments are designed to provide a deeper insight into a candidate’s personality, cognitive, and behavioral attributes. With over 50 years of experience, McQuaig assessments provide a comprehensive view of a candidate and their potential to succeed in a organization while shedding light on the most important areas of employee development. This post discusses how to use assessment tools successfully and appropriately.

If you’re in the recruitment or executive search world, you know how crucial it is to find the perfect match for a role. It’s like matchmaking, but for the professional world. That’s where talent assessment tools come in and integrating them into your process can be a game-changer. But how do you do it in a way that feels natural and really works? Let’s dive in together. Read the rest of this entry »

Decoding a Client’s Candidate Assessment

by Liz Carey

rlw-uc03gwc-glenn-carstens-petersA few weeks back, we attended a webinar by Dave Baker of the Palmetto Leadership Center called “Human Resources & Corporate Recruiter Relationships,” which was an overview of assessments, effectively coaching clients and candidates, and tips for recruiters from a corporate HR manufacturing perspective.

Working with HR people in the field can present several challenges – one of which Baker noted is having an objective assessment to remove the interviewing bias. Read the rest of this entry »

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