Our guest blogger today is Michael Neece, the CEO of InterviewMastery.com – the world’s most widely -used job interview prep program. Recruiters use these video programs to increase placements and save time. More than 54,000 people in 73 countries have used Interview Mastery to advance their recruiting businesses and careers.
Traditional phone screen interviews are being invaded and replaced by the use (or misuse) of software technology. For better or worse, job applicants must now deal with technologies that further dehumanize the hiring process. As if the applicant tracking systems were not frustrating enough.
Employers use new screening technologies in hopes of hiring better talent faster.
Here are four different types of technology-enabled “phone screens” you and your candidates might encounter.
Automated Phone Screen Interviews
This is where the candidate uses their phone to respond to employers’ pre-recorded questions. The candidate’s voice responses are recorded and sent to the internal recruiter at the employer
Two-way Video Interviews
Skype / video interviews involve the candidate being interviewed over a video service. There can be multiple interviewers. These types of events are typically not recorded.
One-Way Video Interviews (Digital Interviews)
This type of video interview involves the candidate logging into a website where they respond to written questions from the employer. Candidate responses are recorded and shared internally within the employer and sometimes externally. Three (3) to six (6) questions are typically asked. The candidate must limit their response to 1-2 minutes for each question. No retakes are permitted.
Chat Bots
The newest technology to infect candidate screening is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered chatbots intended to simulate human-to-human interaction. The candidate usually does not know they are conversing with an AI enabled chat.
What Can You Do About It?
Ask the employer the following so you and your candidate are prepared:
- Ask the employer how they conduct initial phone screen interviews of candidates. Is this event automated using phone, video, or chatbot technologies? What vendor will be used?
- Do they record the initial screen? Who sees it? How is privacy protected? (Note: having the event recorded on a secure server does not protect candidate privacy.)
- Decide whether or not to have your candidate auto-screened
- Prep candidates how to handle it.