Imagine for a moment that being a recruiter is the same thing as being a tourist on a sandy beach in the middle of summer. You show up early to try and get the best chance at finding a perfect shell washed up on shore, only to discover that thousands of other people are also on that beach, looking for the same thing as you battle to get to the shoreline. Trying to get ahead, you bring your family down with you, but you seem to spend more time teaching them what you are looking for than seeing any success. So now you have exhausted yourself trying to build the perfect plan with the bulk to accomplish it, only to be repeating over and over which type of shells you are even searching for and why.
This might be a silly example, however what if you were able to instead link up with a group of specialized shell hunters that would have you sit down and enjoy your coffee while they, the experts, brought back a collection of perfect shells? The best part is that you do not have to pay them a fee until you feel the shell is just right. This is the beauty of being an independent recruiter in a split placement network!
As you focus efforts on staying ahead of business development and growing your individual brand, you can rely on other independent recruiters to source and screen candidates for your roles. They are not your family or employees, so if they are not understanding the specifications or eating up too much time, you simply move on to a new partner. Another benefit is that they help you have to research less on industries and geographies you are unfamiliar with to keep a client happy. With a broad network, you can simply consult with a firm specialized in that target to be able to turn up the best candidate while highlighting how strong your brand is.
As your partners take on and fill more roles, your firm is also adding to their success stories to attain larger, as well as multinational clients. They now have that strong key relationship with an independent firm, but with the security of knowing you are still able to fill those twenty nursing roles or assist with the opening of their plant in Hong Kong. This removes the stress on you from having to teach yourself, or worse, a team of inexperienced hires, how to properly source or research.
With the flexibility to take over the screening process from your partner at anytime, it is reassuring to know that utilizing your split network will never reflect poorly on your firm. If you read the headline of this article seeking a solution, then it is time to join a network or build your own.