When you work on a job order, you probably get a handful of really great candidates among the hundreds of resumes that come in. Ultimately, your client can only pick one to hire. But if you just dump the rest of the candidates once the job order is filled, you may be missing out. As a recruiter, you’re flooded with applications and job orders, but it’s important to make sure those once-top contenders don’t fall through the cracks.
The “runner-up” may not have been quite right for that particular job or company they applied to, but they are talented, evidenced by landing interviews (and sometimes making the short list) with your client. They could be a perfect fit for your next job order (or a trading partner’s job order), and they might be a great source of referrals.
It’s important not to let previous candidates get lost in the shuffle – keep in contact with them by sending them weekly newsletters or job opportunities through your ATS or email marketing system. Connect with these candidates on social media – it helps grow your network and build a relationship with the candidate at the same time. By keeping your name and your firm’s name in front of them via social media posts or emails, you’ll be in their mind for when an opportunity presents itself. In addition, set aside time to reach out to these candidates every few months and build a relationship.
Keeping in touch will help you become aware of any changes in their situation. If a candidate said no to a job offer due to something like not wanting to relocate, their situation may have changed (i.e., their kids who kept them in one state may have gone off to college, and now they are open to relocating). In your ATS or candidate log, keep extensive notes about the candidate, and keep these updated through the candidate’s updates on LinkedIn or through your conversations with them.
If you belong to a split placement network, submit the candidate to your trading partners or upload the candidate’s resume into your network’s database. The candidate may be perfect for a job order another recruiter is working on. Splitting a fee is better than not placing the candidate at all!