As we approach the end of the year, it is time for independent recruiters to start thinking about how to
succeed in the new year. Here is a New Year’s resolution for recruiters to get you started on the right
foot and networking:
– Make time to connect with one person a month that you have never talked to before.
If you are part of a network, being proactive and reaching out to trading partners will only take a few
minutes of your time, and could result in a meaningful business partnership.
How do you find a trading partner to connect with? Chime in on a conference call to listen to job orders
other recruiters need help with, attend regional meetings to meet face-to- face with other recruiters
specializing in your niche, or invite a fellow recruiter who works nearby to lunch. If you are not a part of
a network that has these opportunities, begin a search for industry groups, look to join a board or even
your local state recruitment association.
Consider this split placement story where a recruiter participated in a 30-minute network conference
call, resulting in a split placement with a hefty fee:
An NPAworldwide member based in Arkansas who focuses on supply chain, logistics and transportation,
participated in a manufacturing/supply chain trading group conference call a few months back and
shared a job order she received from a new client. Several affiliates responded after the call and sent
her qualified candidates, including a member who is new to this particular network and listened in on
the call.
“Three candidates received face to face interviews from the President of the company within three
weeks,” she said. One of those candidates — from the new member who was listening in — received and
accepted an offer. “My client LOVES their new branch manager!”
She and that referring affiliate, who is based in South Carolina and focuses on manufacturing, now have
several other interviews going with another client. Had he not been on the call, the new partner might
not have reached out to this recruiter, and the split would not have happened. So as you are reflecting
back on this past year, if your online presence was your strongest, make a real effort to get on the
phone or even face to face.
“I highly encourage everyone to invest the time to get to know your partners via conference calls. You
will receive a favorable ROI…. Promise!”