Today’s guest blogger is Eric Winegardner, Senior Vice President of Client Adoption, Monster. Monster is a worldwide leader in successfully connecting people to job opportunities. In his role at Monster, Eric and his team focus on helping clients be more successful with Monster’s tools.
Monster’s Power Recruiter Workshops will help you deliver real results for your organization—as a recruiter and a businessperson.
Aren’t you sick of buzzwords? You know the ones I mean: Applicant, candidate, prospect, audience, passive seeker, active seeker, engagement—the list goes on and on.
I don’t need to remind you of all of them. You hear them every day. In fact, these buzzwords are your every day.
Have you really thought about what’s behind all of this charming recruiter jargon that is so ingrained in our brains?
No, it’s not an endless stream of paperwork. It’s people. Thousands of individuals who bring all their complex and unique experiences to the table as they search for a better job.
The term “recruiter” is a buzzword, too. And like “seeker,” the word minimizes who you really are. You’re more than just a talent hunter.
Today’s successful recruiter is a businessperson who happens to specialize in talent.
There is so much more to recruiting in today’s world than there ever was before. And if you feel you need to play catch up, you should join me at one of Monster’s Power Recruiter Workshops, each of which take place in different cities all around the United States throughout the fall.
These events are designed by recruiters, for recruiters. They are about you investing in your development as a recruiter. They are about shared experiences and successes, and most of all, they are about getting to know your community, your peers, and the world of work that surrounds you.
So let’s look at the economics of recruiting. There were 5.2 million job openings in the U.S. on the last business day in June, according to the latest available data ( from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There were also 2.7 million people who quit their jobs and started working in new roles at new companies.
That is a lot of potentially high-value talent just dangling out there, waiting to be snatched up by the perfect opportunity. By one of you.
At our sessions, we dive deep into how to build successful recruiting strategies that attract today’s best candidates. We show you how job ad content, distribution and social media all work in harmony to land you great candidates—while delivering a quality candidate experience.
You’ll walk away with examples and tools, plus breakfast, lunch, and some cool swag. Oh yeah, and don’t forget six continuing education credits for those of you who have already invested in your development with a professional credential.
And who knows, maybe we’ll even have a little fun in the process.
I’ll leave you with one more statistic: there were 35 million mentions of job-search-related keywords on Twitter last year¹.
So are you trying to find the best job candidates, or are they trying to find you? Join us at a Power Recruiter Workshop, and we’ll show you how to make that connection—and how to make it count.
Monster PRW tour schedule:
- Oct. 15 — Washington, D.C. at the Crystal Gateway Marriott
- Oct. 26 — Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center (preceding Staffing World)
- Oct. 29 — San Jose at the Doubletree Hilton by San Jose
- Nov. 5 — Pittsburgh at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center
- Nov. 10 — Boston at the Boston Marriott Newton
- Nov. 12 — Chicago at the Westin Michigan Avenue
- Nov. 17 — Phoenix at The Phoenician/Canyon Suites
- Nov. 19 — Columbus at the Westin Columbus
- Dec. 1 — New York at the Convene
¹Statistic according to Twitter