Today’s guest blogger is Gary Harvey, the founder and president of Achievement Dynamics, LLC, a high performance sales training, coaching and development company for sales professionals, managers and business owners. His firm is consistently rated by the Sandler Training as one of the top 10 training centers in the world. He can be reached at 303-741-5200, or Gary is also one of the featured speakers for the 2015 NPAworldwide Global Conference.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
A few weeks ago, I was in Southern California on business, and I walked by a shop that had the following sign outside:
“An optimist is someone who figures taking a step back after a step forward is not a disaster –it’s more like the cha-cha!!”
I love this phrase and took a picture of it. I have always considered myself an optimist – I have to self-monitor with a dose of realism at times so the optimism stays in check at least a little. Admittedly, that is a challenge for me; I prefer the glass half-full to the glass half-empty.
What came to your mind when you read the above quote? What was your instant reaction? Did you agree? Laugh? Did it support or not support your belief system. Did you say to yourself, “Oh sure, that’s easy for some to say.” Did you say, “But who wants to cha-cha?” Did you view it with optimism or pessimism? Hopefully, it made you ask yourself, “How do I view obstacles?”
I mentioned I’m an inherent optimist. Example: “I heard there’s a recession; however, I have decided not to participate in it.” My dose of realism adds that I’m not advocating in both business and sales you put your head in the sand and hope you survive it. Hope is not a strategy.
Acknowledge that it has been a challenge out there – so what? Odds are, it might be a challenge for some time for some sectors of the economy. What do you do then with that reality? Is the glass half full – there are still plenty of prospects in this economy to still call on and I just need to go find them? Or is it, “No one is buying so why bother prospecting?”
Note earlier I didn’t use the words it’s “tough” or “difficult” out there in this economy. These to me are very negative, energy-draining words. I prefer to use the word “challenging.” Say the words out loud, “tough” or “difficult.” Note how your body feels. Drained? Depressed?
Then say the word, “challenging.” Notice any difference in not only your tone but how you feel when you say that word? Do you say it with optimism as many of my clients do when I coach them in this exercise? Or do you say it with pessimism?
Business and sales in particular can be laden every day with challenges. Some days, you take a step forward. Some days, you take a step back. That’s realism. My question to you is, “Do you cha-cha or sit on the side lines and watch the others have fun dancing?”
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at