Today’s guest blogger is Julie Parsons of Premium Consulting in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Julie is a member of the NPA board of directors. Premium Consulting is a boutique independent recruiting firm that provides professional and practical recruitment consulting advice specializing in retained recruitment, partial services, psychometric assessment and appraisals, outplacement and career counseling.
Work-life balance is being able to balance your personal life with your career. No one should sacrifice one over the other.
Having been in the recruitment industry for many years, I am still intrigued by how many plug and plough away at any job with any client and hope that they get a few over the line. It becomes a numbers game; throw enough CV’s out there and something might stick. It tends to be the way of the contingent recruiter.
I would rather do quality work, with fewer clients on real jobs we can fill. Once a client has committed to you, the urgency of getting as many CV’s out as quick as you can, tends to go. Quality process takes its place and you become a trusted advisor and preferred partner as the client welcomes your professional advice.
The winning edge can also include having the right systems and software in place to manage process efficiently with a great skilled and fully-trained team.
It’s competitive out there; we are up against in-house recruiters, LinkedIn-savvy candidates, job boards, changing technology and more.
Top tips for work-life balance: Value your time, life is not a rehearsal.
- Love your life
- Love your job
- Share your words and feelings with loved ones, don’t leave it too late
- Be positive, enthusiastic and passionate
- Stay healthy and active
- Reward yourself
- Take time out, have holidays and long weekends
- Keep your skills up to date
- Utilize your time well and effectively
- Have some structure in place
- Set reachable goals, plan and prioritize
All work and not enough play makes Jack a dull boy.
I have been around long enough to know that a balanced lifestyle ensures a healthy mind and body…and I still party like it’s 1999.
Expect success and it will come your way.
And, remember to stop and smell the roses.