Social recruiting is a hot topic for recruiters. Yet mastery seems impossible and success is a challenge. Those that have dedicated effort to the process are starting to see benefit.
In Jobvite’s Annual Social Recruiting Survey, the most popular social recruiting networks are ranked as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in that order.
No surprises there for me, but it is interesting to see the adoption rate for LinkedIn growing even faster than Facebook and Twitter. You would think that Twitter has more room to grow than LinkedIn. It is obvious that LinkedIn is pervasive in the industry and that it continues to grow even faster than the other services.
I urge you to view the full survey results at the Jobvite Download Page.
Here are some facts that got me thinking…
92% of recruiters reported using social recruiting networks as a part of their strategy. That’s all, really? I am trying to figure out what the other 8% are doing…not using LinkedIn, really? I’m guessing that the remaining 8% don’t have a strategy which is why they didn’t answer favorably?
50% reported increased candidate QUANTITY. This makes perfect sense, but the other fact that is impressive is — 43% reported an increase in candidate QUALITY! That is shocker for me, but an impressive result.
31% reported increased employee referrals and the result was reported as 21% experienced a decrease in time to hire!
Finally, results were documented by this survey that 73% of respondents successfully hired through social recruiting networks in 2012. That means that if you are not part of the 92% using social media, you are going to miss out on results that others are experiencing.
Do your results track with Jobvite’s survey? Please share your thoughts.
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