I came across the following recommending summer reading list on SlideShare and wanted to share it with the independent recruiters who follow this blog. As an added bonus, each book also includes a recommended beverage. Yes, I know it’s winter in the southern hemisphere. It’s also currently 11:17AM US ET, but in the immortal words of Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett, “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere.” Hopefully recruiters from all over the globe can find something interesting on this list.
From the list, I’ll be adding Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and Lean In by Sheryl Sandburg to my reading list. Independent recruiters will find other recommendations on a good range of topics and authors.
And in case you’re interested… as soon as I finish up the bodice-ripper romance novel I am currently reading, I’m looking forward to starting The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America’s Childhood. You see, it’s summertime in Michigan. And that means baseball. Since nothing goes with baseball like an ice-cold beer, I’ll be enjoying a locally-brewed Bell’s Oberon.
Independent recruiters, what are you reading right now?