As Director of Membership of a global split placement network, I’m fascinated and inspired with the details involved in international recruiting. One can easily conclude after learning the details of these types of split placements that the world is definitely smaller than in the past. Technology has played a major role in this situation.
As an example, I’d like to share with you the five elements of a recent split placement in our network. This split placement highlights how a network of independently-owned recruitment firms with a web-based sharing tool can better serve its clients and candidates; regardless of location in the world.
The 5 elements are as follows:
- Recruiter with the position was located in Australia.
- Recruiter with the candidate was located in Russia.
- Client was a geology company headquartered in Australia.
- Position Location was in Guyana in South America; just north of Brazil.
- Candidate was a German geologist working for a Russian geology company and doing fly-in/fly-out work in Guyana.
The recruiter with the position searched in NPA’s web-based sharing tool hoping to find a geologist. He found much more than just a geologist. He found a geologist currently doing fly-in/fly-out work in the very country where his position was located – Guyana! Needless to say he was thrilled and contacted the recruiter who had posted the candidate. All worked out during the placement process and the geologist started his new position this past April.
In NPA, this scenario works because we have technology in place to facilitate split placements among our members. In addition, all recruiters in NPA operate under the same Bylaws resulting in relationships built on trust.
How do you achieve success in international recruiting? How do you find candidates when your clients have operations located around the world? Are you a member of an informal or formal recruiter networking group? How do you build trust with trading partners from different cultures?