As we all know, technology continually changes. One area of change involves mobile media. Recently, I attended a comScore webinar entitled Mobile Future in Focus – Trends that will Shape the Mobile Industry in 2012 and Beyond presented by Mark Donovan, Senior Vice President Mobile of comScore.
While the webinar included information about mobile media around the world, its main focus centered around usage in the USA. Highlights include the following:
- Between May 2010 and July 2011, smartphones surpassed feature phones as the top acquired device type in Canada, France, Italy, Spain, UK, and USA.
- The growth of the USA smartphone market by operating system is lead by Android and followed by iOS and RIM (Blackberry). What makes this interesting is that iOS entered the market in 2007 and Android in 2008. As of December 2011, iOS had 30% of the USA smartphone marketshare and Android had 47%. That is amazing growth!
- The presenter called people who used multiple devices throughout their day (laptop, tablet, and smartphone) “digital omnivores.”
- Ownership of tablets in the USA grew from about 8,000 in December 2010 to more than 40,000 a year later.
- Usage of tablets is changing user habits. What people used to do on their laptops and phones, they are doing on their tablets.
- Apple holds a commanding lead in tablet usage in the USA with 90.4% of the market purchasing iPADs. Android follows iOS with 9.1% and RIM with 0.5%.
Are you, when you function as an independent recruiter, a “digital omnivore” using a laptop, tablet, and smartphone? Does recruiting internationally change the technology you use? Are your clients and candidates “digital omnivores?”