Today’s post is courtesy of guest blogger Kimberley Chesney. Kimberley is the owner of Prime Management Group in Canada, with offices in London and Kitchener (Ontario) and Victoria (British Columbia). Kimberley is a long-time volunteer for NPA, currently serving as Chair-Elect on the NPA Board of Directors.
As the world gets smaller, so does the need for recruitment outside of a local network. In order to properly service their clients, international recruiters are finding unique ways of making placements.
It isn’t necessary to have a branch office in each location where their clients reside, as it is possible to make splits with other international recruiters who share the same passion and values within the recruitment business. Being flexible is the key to conducting a successful split. It doesn’t always have to be 50/50 but it does have to be agreed upon, up front and in writing, so that each party is clear on what the expectations are.
Knowing what a client needs is also very important and part of that understanding comes from “local” knowledge which can be found through successful partnerships with other international recruiters. As a professional recruiter, you may know your client but you may not know local norms and customs and that kind of extra knowledge can make all the difference.
Developing partnerships with other international recruiters is a great way to service your clients and make more money by doing splits. As you build trusted business partnerships with other international recruiters, you are servicing your clients’ needs in ways that they may not have even thought of in the past.
Image courtesy of sheelamohan /