I has a conversation with a friend the other day and she was saying that her VCR broke and she was going to look for a new one. I thought to myself “she means DVD player” so I corrected her and it turns out I was wrong. She was looking for a VCR because I can only presume that she’s been living under a rock for the past decade (my apologies to those of you that still own a VCR). I started thinking of all the great movies she is missing out on because she hasn’t adjusted to the changing technology. I found this infographic, published by Atenta, this afternoon and I thought it would be interesting to post to see how many independent recruiters are still recruiting in the 1920’s.
If you don’t keep up with the changing times, you will be missing out on great candidates and opportunities. As an independent recruiter I can understand it might be hard to invest in every technical change that occurs so maybe you need to do your research and pick the ones that will be most useful to your company. The latest wave of recruiting includes sourcing through social media channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Make sure that, at least, your visible through each of these platforms.
What are some of the archaic tools or systems you are currently using that might need a little makeover?