Society for Human Resource Management Serving the needs of HR professionals by providing the most current and comprehensive resources, and advancing the profession by promoting HR’s essential, strategic role.
Job Search, Recruiting and Employment Resources WEDDLE’s is a research, publishing, consulting and training firm dedicated to helping people and organizations maximize their success in recruiting, retention, job search and career self-management.
Australian Human Resources Institute AHRI is the national association representing human resources and people management professionals by actively setting standards and building the capability of the profession.
Australian Human Resource Guide HRM Guide is a network of HR and other web sites providing information and links to articles about human resource topics, personnel, people management and other work-related issues.
HRdirect HRdirect is your source for HR forms, compliance posters, greeting cards, motivational forms and administrative products.
Human Resource Marketer HR Marketer is the #1 marketing and public relations service for companies selling to human resource departments.
National Human Resources Association NHRA is a network of affiliates focused on advancing the development of human resource professionals through programs and services offered across the US.