For Immediate Release
NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network reports strong growth over the last 12 months in several areas of the business. Of particular note, total revenue increased nearly 10 percent over 2006. Furthermore, placements of candidates into positions paying $100,000 or more increased 42 percent over 2006. “These strong growth figures illustrate the changing demands of employers and the role of NPA in that process,” commented Dave Nerz, executive vice president of NPA. “Candidates are increasingly pushing for larger salaries because they possess high-demand skills and talents and employers require professional recruiters to fill their niche roles.” Echoing the comments by Mr. Nerz, placements in the engineering/design sector in 2007 increased by 87 percent over 2006. NPA tracks salary levels, occupational title, industry, fees collected and other data for all placements reported by its 380 member firms.
NPA,, is a member-owned cooperative based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. The membership is comprised of premier independent recruiters on six continents who work cooperatively to complete searches across virtually all industry and occupational sectors. NPA collects data on placements in the following categories: accounting/finance/banking; administrative/human resources/materials/ logistics/operations; process/chemicals/natural resources/mining/oil & gas/environmental; information technology; engineering/design/manufacturing; medical/health care; construction/civil engineering/ architecture; nuclear & fossil power/utilities; software & hardware engineering/electronics development; sales and marketing; and various other niches.
“We are very pleased with the results for 2007,” continued Dave Nerz. “Many other aspects of the business continue to remain strong, but we are especially excited about the placements being made in high-salary positions and niche sectors. Other sectors, such as administration and human resource management, stayed strong through 2007, yet the real growth possibilities are shifting to high-salary, highly skilled positions and this is a benefit for NPA and its members.”