April 6, 2012
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Contact: Veronica Scrimshaw
Director of Corporate Communications
+1 616.455.6776 x17
The membership of NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network has elected a new slate of representatives to its board of directors. The NPA board of directors is responsible for providing strategic leadership and direction to the member-owned international recruiting network. Each NPA director also owns and operates a member recruiting firm. As board members, directors establish NPA’s business plan, identify strategic priorities, develop an annual budget, and oversee network administration.
“NPA has thrived for more than 50 years in large part because out outstanding volunteer leadership,” said NPA president Dave Nerz. He added, “As a member-owned cooperative, board leadership is crucial for advancing NPA’s mission and goals. NPA members have a long history of electing board members with remarkable passion, industry knowledge, and business expertise. This year is no exception.” Kimberley Chesney, chair, remarked, “NPA affords independent recruiters an incredible opportunity to compete globally. We have experienced a tremendous international expansion in our membership. I am excited to see the hard work of previous boards coming to fruition, and looking forward to the next stage in NPA’s rich history.”
Individuals elected to the NPA board of directors include the following:
Kimberley Chesney, Prime Management Group, Inc. London and Kitchener, Ontario, plus Victoria, British Columbia, automatically assumed the role of chairperson following a one-year term as chairperson-elect.
Russ Bray, Southern Recruiting Solutions, Tampa, Florida, was re-elected to a two-year term as a director. He will serve on NPA’s tools, services, and knowledge committee.
Geoff Crews, Forsythes, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, was elected to a two-year term as a director. He will serve on NPA’s tools, services, and knowledge committee.
Joshua Ro, People Consulting Group, Seoul, Korea, was elected to a two-year term as a director. He will focus on membership growth and retention throughout Asia.
Meri Laird Jones, Davidson, Laird & Associates, Inc., Southfield, Michigan, was re-elected to a two-year term as a director. Her role on the board of directors is to optimize member and network success.
Julie Parsons, Premium Consulting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, was re-elected to a two-year term as a director. She will identify strategic growth areas throughout Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and the United Kingdom.
NPA board members who were not up for re-election and who will continue to serve on the board include the following:
Rick Corey, OpticsProfessionals, LLC, Penfield, New York – immediate past chair
Anne Downing, Demetrio & Associates, L.L.C., Rio Verde, Arizona – director
Jeff McGraw, The Callos Companies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – secretary/treasurer
Cameron Gausby, KNG Technical, Shanty Bay, Ontario – director
NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network, http://www.npaworldwide.com: NPA is an international recruiting network facilitating placements between its members. NPA has over 380 member offices with more than 1,400 individual consultants in 27 countries on 6 continents.