NPAworldwide Announces 7 New Recruiter Award Recipients

by Veronica Blatt

Contact: Veronica Blatt, Director of Corporate Communications
+1 616 871-3323

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, USA – January 29, 2021 – Global recruitment network NPAworldwide has announced seven new recruiter award recipients: Read the rest of this entry »

NPAworldwide Launches Two New Specialty Groups to Address Market Needs

by Veronica Blatt

Contact: Veronica Blatt
Director of Corporate Communications
+1 616 871-3323

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, USA – June 24, 2020 – NPAworldwide is thrilled to announce the formation of two new specialty groups in the areas of FinTech (financial technology) and Energy (primarily clean energy and renewables). These developments are a direct response to increases in hiring activities in these two sectors.

NPAworldwide members have seen strong growth opportunities in the burgeoning FinTech and Energy sectors due to new businesses, new jobs, and an increasing number of job seekers. Read the rest of this entry »

Laura Schmieder Reaches $5 Million Achievement Level

by Veronica Blatt


Contact: Veronica Scrimshaw
+1 616.455.6776 x17

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, USA – July 23, 2014 – Laura Schmieder, the owner of Premier Placement, Inc. in Allentown PA (USA) has been recognized by NPAworldwide for attaining Platinum Recruiter Achievement Status. There are fewer than 50 recruiters in the global network who have achieved this level of production or higher.

“Recruiter Achievement Status recognizes cumulative salary totals within NPAworldwide,” reported president Dave Nerz. “This is a lifetime achievement program that recognizes both longevity in the network and individual productivity. Since split placement activity within NPAworldwide is only a small portion of a member’s overall business activity, the accomplishment is even more noteworthy. The Platinum award reflects Laura’s tremendous relationships with her network trading partners.”

“I’m so pleased to have earned the Platinum award,” commented Laura Schmieder, “and I’d like to thank all of my trading partners. If they didn’t trust me with their job openings and candidates, I wouldn’t have made the split placements that led to this recognition.”

NPAworldwide recognizes six levels of performance through the Recruiter Achievement Status program. Platinum is the third-highest level, following Double Platinum and Platinum Premier. Recruiters who have achieved Platinum level production or higher represent the top 4 percent of all NPAworldwide recruiters globally.

About NPAworldwide. NPAworldwide is a recruitment network facilitating placements between its members. The network has more than 400 member offices with 1,200 recruiters in 30 countries on 6 continents. For more information, please visit

Laura Schmieder,, +1 610-395-9123

NPA Recruiters Receive Customized Split Placement Training

by Veronica Blatt


Contact: Dave Nerz, President
+1 616.455.6776 x19

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, USA – April 10, 2014 – NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network announced that customized training for recruiters doing split placements was provided by industry expert Mike Ramer. The session, titled How to Make More Split Placements, was delivered to an audience at the recent NPA Global Conference.

“The training covered the basics of building a foundation for success,” said Dave Nerz, president of NPA. “Mike detailed the need for trust, integrity and superior communication. He then facilitated a discussion to uncover and document the expectations of each potential participant in a split.”

Mike Ramer addressed best practices, including the establishment of clear expectations at the start of each new shared assignment. The goal is to allow each business to operate independently, but appear to the client and candidate as if they worked for the same firm.

An NPA success story was used as a case study. Glenn Rapp of PartnerWest (San Francisco, CA) and Joshua Ro of People Consulting Group (Seoul, South Korea) recounted the details of a successful placement completed for a client after a major global recruitment company failed to deliver on the client’s expectations. The search was handed over to the NPA split partners and was for a manufacturing plant manager in a very remote part of Korea. People Consulting Group’s knowledge of the local market made all the difference in the world when searching for such a unique candidate. And the success delivered resulted in a long-term client relationship for the North American-based PartnerWest with 5 additional placements since the initial split.

Mike Ramer and several of the participants in this session agreed that setting targets for annual business to be derived from splits will drive a level of results that cannot be achieved absent the focus on a goal.

About Mike Ramer, CPC, CSP. Mike Ramer is president of Ramer Search Consultants in the New York metro area. Mike’s career billing exceed $4 million and he is known as one of the recruitment industry’s premier trainers.

About NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network. NPA,, is a global recruiting network facilitating placements between its members. NPA has 400 member offices with more than 1,200 individual consultants in 30 countries on 6 continents.


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